Post-doctoral Fellow positions available

Machine learning/computational biology postdoctoral fellows needed immediately to work in the Center for Clinical and Translational Metagenomics at Harvard Medical School in the research group of Dr. Georg Gerber. The successful applicant will develop and apply novel statistical/machine learning methods to:
- Infer dynamic behaviors of the microbiota in human subjects and experimental animal systems
- Infer microbe-microbe and host-microbe interaction networks
- Predict host phenotypes, including disease status in patients, from static or longitudinal microbiome and host immune system data

The microbial inhabitants of the body, termed the microbiota, form complex ecosystems that perform vital functions for the host. Recent advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies are enabling study of these systems at unprecedented scale. Dysbiosis, or alteration of the normal composition of the microbiota, has been implicated as a contributing factor in a variety of human diseases, including susceptibility to infections, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, allergies, multiple sclerosis, and cancer. The lack of computational algorithms to effectively analyze microbiome data remains a primary roadblock in the field. Thus, this position represents an opportunity to make a big impact in this new and exciting field!
Qualifications: - PhD in computer science, applied mathematics, statistics, or other highly quantitative discipline from top institution
- Previous experience performing high-quality machine learning/statistical research; experience with nonparametric Bayesian methods not required, but desirable
- Some previous computational biology experience (microbiome experience not required, although willingness to learn about this exciting field is required!)
- Experience implementing and running algorithms in high-performance parallel computing environments
- Excellent publication track record
- Excellent ability to communicate complex ideas and work on multidisciplinary teams with others not versed in machine learning/statistical methods

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, although priority will be given to applications received before November 1, 2013
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