Dean, College of Science, Texas A&M


Texas A&M University in College Station invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of the College of Science. The College of Science includes 261 faculty in 5 departments (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy, and Statistics) and the Cyclotron Institute, with 2500 undergraduate students and 1100 graduate students. Our faculty, which includes Nobel Laureates, members of the National Academy of Sciences, members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and Distinguished Professors, generates ~$60 million/year in research funding, and teaches 20% of the total student credit hours taught in the University.
The University seeks an energetic and visionary leader who is dedicated to enhancing and strengthening the mission of the College and to furthering its commitment to excellence in research, teaching, and service.
Candidates should have the following qualifications:
- An earned Ph.D. in a discipline represented by the College of Science.
- A strong record of teaching and research productivity that is both nationally and internationally recognized and appropriate for appointment as a tenured full professor in the College.
- Distinguished academic administrative experience at a Tier One Research University, preferably as a departmental chair or higher.
- Demonstrated ability to attract and retain a diverse and outstanding group of faculty, staff, and students.
- Demonstrated ability to successfully fund and lead major strategic initiatives.
- The ability to take bold action and make decisions that will enhance the Colleges current strengths and build new areas of excellence.
- Excellent interpersonal skills, with the ability to articulate the Colleges vision, goals, accomplishments, and needs to all constituents, including Texas A&M University administration, leaders and people of the State of Texas, and its supporters locally and around the world.
- A commitment to faculty, staff, and student success, satisfaction, and diversity.
- A commitment to public engagement.
- Experience in seeking private support from individuals, foundations, and corporations.

General responsibilities include:
- Leading the development and implementation of the Colleges strategic plan.
- Providing leadership in addressing the evolving challenges faced by students and faculty in higher education.
- Taking a leading role in strengthening the Colleges departmental rankings among Tier One research universities.
- Supervising, evaluating, and supporting departments in a manner that promotes excellence in scholarly research, teaching, and service.
- Leading and coordinating the governance of the College, including compliance with University policy and state and federal law.
- Coordinating recruitment, development, and evaluation of administrators, faculty, and staff.
- Representing the College's interests and goals to the administration.
- Providing leadership in fundraising for the College.
- Prioritizing and cultivating research partnership opportunities with industry and government, and enhancing collaborations within the College and across the University.

The search is being assisted by Academic Search, Inc., and a complete search profile can be found at
Applications should consist of a substantive cover letter, a curriculum vitae, and a list of five professional references with full contact information, none of whom will be contacted without the explicit permission of the candidate. Applications, nominations, and expressions of interest can be submitted electronically, and in confidence, to:
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Applications received by January 16, 2015 will be assured full consideration. Confidential discussions about this opportunity may be arranged by contacting Ann Die Hasselmo at Este enderezo de correo está a ser protexido dos robots de correo lixo. Precisa activar o JavaScript para velo. or Kelly Frazier at Este enderezo de correo está a ser protexido dos robots de correo lixo. Precisa activar o JavaScript para velo.

-- Bani K Mallick
Director, Center for Statistical Bioinformatics Distinguished Professor
Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77845