JOB: 2 Postdocs in Econometrics and Statistics at University of Muenster, Germany

Dear Allstat members,

The Institute of Econometrics and Statistics at the Department of Economics of the University of Münster (Germany) invites applications from econometricians and statisticians for

2 full-time Postdoc positions.

The successful candidates will work both in research and teaching. Teaching load is 4h per week for 28 weeks per year. The candidates will be expected to contribute to research projects on financial markets, human capital and local labour markets, and to publish in high-ranking international journals.

The positions will be remunerated at the level of TV-L 13 (100%) and are of a three-year fixed duration with the possibility for an extension of at most three further years. Prerequisites for employment include a completed degree in economics or a related field, as well as the completion of a relevant doctorate with excellent marks. Severely handicapped persons with the appropriate qualifications will receive preference. The University of Münster strives to increase the number of female researchers and expressly encourages their applications. Applications for part-time employment are possible.

Please send your application (by 15 Juli 2017) and any questions to

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More information about the institute can be found at

Best Wishes