Positions at all levels in Statistics at the University of Bath (UK)

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Bath is a leading UK department in both research and teaching, with a large, diverse, and vibrant academic staff, and a culture of inter-¬ and intra-¬‐disciplinary collaboration. We host the successful EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistical Applied Mathematics (SAMBa) which bolsters the department’s recruitment of talented doctoral students.

In a concerted effort to enhance and broaden our strength in Statistics and related fields, we are seeking ambitious people with an outstanding track record of independent research of international standing who will build on existing departmental strengths, or expand our research into new areas of statistics and data science. We particularly welcome applications in genetics and evolution, public health, operational research, machine learning, and uncertainty quantification. An additional position in Applied Mathematics complements this effort.



Lecturer/SL/Reader (Assistant/Associate Professor)


There is also a related Applied Mathematics Lecturer position at


The deadline for application is the 16th October.

Best Wishes

Ilaria Prosdocimi

Department of Mathematical Sciences

University of Bath

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