Impact Analyst, Crisis, London

We work directly with thousands of homeless people every year. We provide vital help so that people can rebuild their lives and are supported out of homelessness for good. We offer one to one support, advice and courses for homeless people in 12 areas across England, Scotland and Wales. How we help someone depends on their individual needs and situation. It could be with finding a home and settling in, getting new skills and finding a job, or help with their health and wellbeing. We use research to find out how best to improve our services, but also to find wider solutions to homelessness. Together with homeless people and Crisis supporters, we campaign for the changes needed to end homelessness for good.

Aim and influence

Support the organisation to further improve the ways in which we monitor and evaluate the performance and impact of Crisis’ programmes, services, and activities

Produce quarterly, annual, and ad hoc statistics, commentaries and briefings on Crisis’ programmes, services, and clients

Ensure that data collection across the organisation is consistent, meaningful and relevant, supporting both corporate and service-specific requirements as we develop and adapt our service offer

Job responsibilities

Produce high quality, accurate and timely statistical analysis with actionable recommendations to enable Crisis to monitor its own activities and to meet the requirements of funders (e.g. Trusts and Foundations, Government Departments, and Local Authorities)

Write reports and develop presentations for Crisis management, the Board and others across the organisation based on statistical analysis
Convey complex analytical techniques in ways that are easily intelligible to management and frontline staff

Analyse data using a range of methodologies with statistical software, especially R and Excel
Pull data from Crisis’ case management system, a relational database, using SQL and advanced finds for analysis and stakeholders

Assist with the regular review of the Monitoring, Evaluation and Performance Frameworks, including the development and improvement of impact measurement tools

Contribute to the design of questionnaires, surveys, and other appropriate tools to carry out ongoing evaluation of Crisis’ activities, including services, campaigning and fundraising

Assist the Evaluation Manager to manage, coordinate and deliver our service evaluation plan (including proofreading and preparing evaluation reports for publication)

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