Position as Associate or Assistant Professor in the area of business analytics and operations research

The Department of Management Engineering at Technical University of Denmark invites applications for a position as Associate or Assistant Professor in the area of business analytics and operations research.

You will be part of the division of Management Science at DTU’s Management Engineering Department. The division of Management Science (MS) is the largest MS division in Denmark. MS is an internationally unique academic environment spanning from operations research and operations management to management of human factors and performance in implementation processes.

The Operations Research (OR) group, in which the position is available, focuses on Operations Research approaches and covers all phases of the OR cycle: From problem analysis over model building to the development of new solutions methods and interpretation of the results. The group is internationally leading in several application areas. We cover among others: maritime optimisation, health care, public transport, sustainable transportation planning and green energy models.

Responsibilities and tasks:
With this position, we strengthen our teaching and research activities in the areas of predictive, prescriptive as well as descriptive analytics, that is, the entire breadth of business analytics. The position is tightly connected to our new master programme “Business Analytics”. You will be part of the core team of lecturers in this programme and you will be expected to actively engage in the teaching and development of the program in close collaboration with the head of studies in the programme. The programme focuses on the application of business analytics methods; thus, you are expected to actively use case studies in your teaching. We expect you to be able to teach in the following subjects:
- Descriptive analytics and data visualization
- Application of predictive analytics (clustering, machine learning, etc.)
- Application of predictive analytics (integer programming, heuristic search, stochastic optimisation)

You will also be expected to supervise student projects in the areas of teaching and be part of our efforts to engage with business and industry to strengthen the use of business analytics tools.

Since the position is based in the OR group, we expect your research interests to be within the field of Operations Research. In particular, it would be an advantage if you are interested in bridging the gap between optimisation and the other disciplines of data science.

For the position of associate professor, the candidate is expected to take a leading role in the writing of new and innovative research proposals in order to attract external funding. For the position of assistant professor, the candidate is expected to participate in the development of research proposals.

The new Assistant/Associate Professor is expected to cooperate with colleagues across the department and across the university with other departments. Special interest is here to bridge the gap and promote collaboration with relevant research groups such as Quantitative Sustainability Assessment (QSA), Systems Analysis (SA), and Transport Modelling (TM) at the department.

Since the position is permanent, we expect candidates to eventually learn Danish. For international candidates, DTU offers Danish language courses, with the purpose of being able to teach in Danish within the first two-three years.

Informations about the required qualifications, assesment procedure and application process can be found at: http://www.man.dtu.dk/om-instituttet/ledige-stillinger/job?id=74acabd7-f801-4c44-b291-51b9d9b5228f