Resumen del trabajo fin de master

Título: Una revisión del software de gestión de riesgos en planificación de proyectos
Universidad que ofrece el proyecto: Universidade da Coruña
Carpente Rodríguez, María Luisa
Dafonte Barbosa, Michele
Project risk management includes the processes of conducting planning, identifying, analysing, planning responses, implementing responses and monitoring risks in a project. When Monte Carlo Analysis is applied to risk assessment, it allows the execution of scenario simulations (what-if) for: Identify the impact of risks for different scenarios and identify the possible results according to each risk mapped. Software already on the market will be used to facilitate the joining of functionalities in a single user-friendly interface, present the results analytically and graphically and generate general information.The main drawback is that the software associated with project management is paid software. The main objective of this work is to summarise the functionalities of the applications available on the market, and to program some of these functionalities with R.
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