Job advertisement Berlin

Job advertisement

The School of Business and Economics at Humboldt-Unversity Berlin invites applications for a

Assistant Professorship in ’Applied Statistics’ (W1) from October 1, 2017.
reference number JP/001/17

The successful candidate will provide leadership in research and teaching in applied statistics.
Experience in the statistical analysis of business and economics data is expected.

The detailed job advertisement can be found on

Applications are expected until: 14 May 2017
Göran Kauermann, Professor of Statistics
Department of Statistics
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Ludwigstrasse 33, (D) 80539 Munich
+49 (0)89 2180 6253 / 2220 (Secr) / 5040 (Fax)

visit the new Master program DATA SCIENCE
funded by the Elite-Network of Bavaria