Oferta Post-Doc - Portugal

The Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa (INESC-ID) Portugal is one of the largest and most dynamic research institutes in Portugal in the areas of Computing Systems and Communication Networks, Embedded Electronic Systems, Information and Decision Support Systems, Interactive Intelligent Systems and Energy Systems.

*1 *research grant(s) *postdoctoral fellowships* is now available in project *PERSEIDS - Personalizing cancer therapy through integrated modeling and decision, refª **PTDC/EMS SIS/0642/2014* funded by *FCT/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC)*, under the following conditions:

*8* months from *17th April 2019*. The grant may be renewed within the period of the project, not exceeding the maximum period set by FCT for such grants. Renewal is subject to suitable performance.

*Monthly amount*
The monthly amount of the grant *1 509,80€* is in accordance with the values stipulated in the "Regulations for Research Grants of the Foundation for Science and Technology" in force (https://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/regulamentos.phtml.pt) and (http://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores) and INESC-ID Lisboa Grant Regulations approved by FCT, and shall be rendered through a monthly bank transfer to an account held by the grantee

*Objectives / summary*

Development of statistical and machine learning methods and their application to clinical data. The main goal is to develop advanced and robust algorithms to analyze omics data.

*Scientific supervision*
The activity will be supervised by *Susana Vinga, Associate Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico* and researcher at INESC-ID Lisboa. The grantee will be integrated at INESC-ID in the *IDSS - Information and Decision Support Systems Lab, https://idss.inesc-id.pt/

*Required education Level and research experience*
The candidate should have a PhD in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, or related areas, with post-doctoral experience in data analysis. Language skills - proficiency in English

*Evaluation criteria*
Academic record of the candidate (30%) post-doctoral experience (30%) and publication record in the areas of the workplan (40%*)*. The Jury will interview the *five *candidates with higher classification. In order to perform a more objective evaluation of some of the criteria, the interview will count for 50% of the evaluation of each criteria above.
The jury will convene in *12 April 2019* and is composed of *Name* *Professional Status / Institution* Susana Vinga, Associate Professor / Instituto Superior Técnico Alexandra Carvalho, Assistant Professor / Instituto Superior Técnico Paulo Mateus, Associate Professor / Instituto Superior Técnico

The final evaluation results will be publicized through an ordered list, and the candidates will be notified of the Jury decision by email.

*Formalisation of applications*
Applications are formalised by sending an email to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. with the documents stated bellow. The application email should clearly state the reference of the project.

Detailed curriculum vitae

Motivation letter

Single copy of official academic degree certificate with detailed list of grades, required in education level.

Name of two personal references

*For candidates with degrees granted by foreign higher education institutions it is mandatory to have a degree or diploma recognition. For more information, https://www.dges.gov.pt/en/pagina/degree-and-diploma-recognition

*Application Dates*
From 25 March 2019, to 11 April 2019