Oferta de empleo proyecto europeo BIOCAPS
Se trata de incorporar personal técnico e investigador al Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Vigo (IBIV), en el marco del proyecto europeo BIOCAPS (Biomedical Capacities Support Program), una iniciativa de investigación financiada por la EU en el 7ºPM (REGPOT 2012-2013-1).
BIOCAPS (Biomedical Capacities Support Program) is a research initiative funded by the EU Seventh Framework Program (REGPOT 2012-2013-1) to support the Institute of Biomedical Research of Vigo (IBIV), a newly established research institution of Servizo Galego de Saúde (Sergas) and the University of Vigo (SPAIN).
Research laboratories are being built at the main Campus in Vigo, which also hosts state-of-the-art infrastructures for proteomics, medical bioinformatics, high-throughput sequencing, high-throughput screening, microscopy, biomarker discovery and other research platforms.
The research areas of BIOCAPS include:
- Neurological Sciences and Rare Diseases
- Infectious Diseases, Inflammation and Immunity
- Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition
- Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
- Novel Tools in Diagnosis and Therapy
- Aging and Cardiovascular Diseases. BIOCAPS is recruiting seven senior researchers with the following expertise (see www.ibivigo.org)
- Cell Biologist with interest in Regenerative Medicine. Ref. BIOCAPS 1
- Expert in Imaging/Bioinformatics. Ref. BIOCAPS 2
- Expert in Inflammation. Ref. BIOCAPS 3
- Molecular Biologist. Ref. BIOCAPS 4
- Expert in Research with Laboratory Animals. Ref. BIOCAPS 5
- Clinical Pharmacologist. Ref. BIOCAPS 6
- Preclinical Pharmacologist. Ref. BIOCAPS 7
Qualification requirements include a MD/PhD, PhD or equivalent degree, a track-record of publications in high-impact journals, and a proven record for attracting independent funding. Evaluation criteria can be found at www.ibivigo.org.
Successful candidates are expected to initiate a new independent research program on the above topics with significant translational opportunities. We expect multidisciplinary research collaborations with other BIOCAPS research groups.
Candidates must apply through the IBIV online application (www.ibivigo.org) only. Applications should include: a cover letter summarizing the applicant. career and future plans (1 page), CV and a list of publications (past 10 years only, with 5 most significant publications indicated), short research plan (max 3 pages) with a summary of expected translational, medical or public health impact, and names and contact information of three references. The top candidates will be invited to visit Vigo for a lecture and discussions in English, and to provide a more detailed research plan as well as letters of reference.
Employment terms:
- BIOCAPS will support the successful candidates with technical resources, technicians, consumables and modern laboratory facilities. The candidates are expected to complement this budget through other national or international grants and/or industrial collaborations, and recruit PhD students and/or postdoctoral scientists.
- Salary: €48,000/year (Gross salary + employer social costs)
- Contract duration: 3 years Application deadline: One month following publication. More information and application in www.ibivigo.org