Admissions and enrollment

Note: This website is for information purposes only and the pre-registration and enrolment process is carried out at the universities organising the PhD (USC, UDC and UVigo). Therefore, more precise and updated information on the calendar, pre-enrolment, enrolment, admission lists, .... can be found on the pages of the Doctoral Schools.

Admission criteria
Number of places for each University:
  1. University of Santiago de Compostela: 8 places.
  2. University of  A Coruña: 8 places.
  3. University of Vigo: 8 places.

The specific requirements for admission to our PhD programme are as follows:
    1) To have a score above 12 with the following criteria: Academic record (up to 10 points) + Personal interview (up to 10 points). The personal interview will be carried out before the CAPD to judge the candidate's worth and his/her suitability to one of the research lines available in the PhD programme. In order to facilitate this requirement for candidates, the CAPD will publish on the website the research lines open and available and will also facilitate contact, prior to this interview, between the candidates and those responsible for these lines of research.
    2) In the case of students who must take complementary training, they must pass those training complements recommended by the CAPD adapted to their previous curricular training, which may not exceed 15 ECTS. The completion of these complements will be previous or simultaneous to the enrolment in academic supervision in the programme. See Memoria del título for more details.

Admission and Registration Calendar