Applications are invited for a StatLab–CANSSI–CRM Postdoctoral Fellowship in Statistics.

To be eligible, candidates should have received their PhD after June 30, 2014, and must have fulfilled all PhD requirements by the time of taking up the award. The successful candidate must be supervised by at least one Regular Member of StatLab and be based in a member’s institution for the tenure of the award. A list of StatLab members can be found here:

The fellowship is worth $45 000. A successful candidate will be designated a StatLab–CANSSI–CRM Postdoctoral Fellow for a period of one year, starting any time between June 1 and September 30, 2017.

An application includes: (i) a presentation letter outlining the candidates’ research interests; (ii) the candidate’s CV; (iii) electronic copies of articles, theses, research reports, etc. Candidates should send their applications to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by March 10, 2017, and arrange as well to have at least two letters of recommendation sent independently. The results of the competition will be announced by mid-April 2017.