EMPLEO | New open positions in BCAM

Basque Center for Applied Mathematics – BCAM offers one permanent position, two Postdoctoral Fellowship position, one PhD position and one Reseach Tecnician position:

Permanent position in Applied Statistics: Basque Centre for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), together with Ikerbasque invites applications for one Permanent position in APPLIED STATISTICS. This call is open both to: Established researchers, postdoctoral researchers who conduct research independently, with an established reputation based on research excellence in their field (a permanent Research Associate position) and, Senior leading researchers, with international reputation based on research excellence in their field and a proven record in securing significant research funding (a permanent Research Professor position).
Postdotoral Fellowship in CFD Modelling and Simulation: BCAM is offering 2 Postdoctoral positions in mesoscopic modelling of complex suspensions at the CFD group to work with Prof. Marco Ellero in on the developments and use of novel mesoscopic particle-simulation methods to better understand the fluid dynamics and rheology of complex suspensions. Deadline for applications: 9 September 2022, Friday Postdoctoral Fellow in Biomathematics at the Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Group: In the framework of BMTF project BCAM is offering a Postdoctoral fellowship in biomathematics. The research project will be focused on the development of spatio-temporal models variations on infectious diseases transmission and control and its impact on the Basque surveillance system; Modeling different social contact structures to understand disease spreading; Modeling the role of social behavioral changes, lock downs and other control measures affecting the dynamics of seasonal respiratory disease. Deadline for applications: 15 September 2022, Thursday Research Technician in Biomathematics at the Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Group: In the framework of BMTF project BCAM is offering a Research Technician position in biomathematics. The research project will be focused on the development of spatio-temporal models variations on infectious diseases transmission and control and its impact on the Basque surveillance system; Modeling different social contact structures to understand disease spreading; Modeling the role of social behavioral changes, lock downs and other control measures affecting the dynamics of seasonal respiratory disease. Deadline for applications: 15 September 2022, Thursday
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Federated Learning: BCAM is offering a Postdoctoral position un federated learning in probabilistic classifiers to work with Aritz Perez in Machine Learning research line. Traditional machine learning approaches need to combine all data at one location. Federated machine learning addresses the problems of distributed data and privacy with novel solutions combining distributed machine learning and security. The main goal of this position consists of developing federated learning algorithms of probabilistic classifiers. The algorithms will be analyzed theoretically and through an extensive experimentation. Deadline for applications: 12 September 2022, Monday.
Research Technician in Optimizacion Hyperheuristics: BCAM is offering a Research Technician position in optimization hyperheuristics to work with Aritz Perez in Machine Learning research line. In some optimization problems the evaluation of a solution can be very expensive, e.g., an accurate simulation of a complex physical system. In this project we will develop hyperheuristic optimization algorithms that control the number of evaluations. The hyperheuristic will be a combination of a population heuristic algorithm and a controller, which guides the evolution process of the solutions that conform the population. The hyperheuristic algorithm will allow to control the number of evaluations by means of two complementary strategies: 1) train the controller on simplified versions of the problem, e.g., simplified simulations of the physical system; and 2) train the controller allowing a maximum number of evaluations during the optimization process Deadline for applications: 12 September 2022, Monday.
PhD in local algebra in STAG: The Singularity Theory and Algebraic Geometry group in the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics is looking for a PhD candidate to work with Ilya Smirnov in the general area of local algebra. The research area of the Fellowship will be local algebra, a branch of commutative algebra that originates from the study of singularities of the system of polynomial equations. More generally, it studies local rings from the viewpoint shaped by singularity theory and algebraic geometry as the results can be applied to local rings formed by the germs of functions at a point. The specific project is to be determined in discussions with the Fellow, the potential areas are multiplicity theory and positive characteristic methods in commutative algebra. Deadline for applications: 30 September 2022, Friday.

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