University of Santiago de Compostela
Call for 5 postdoctoral positions (distinguished researchers) linked to the reference research groups (GRC) of the University of Santiago de Compostela. One of the positions is in the area of Biomedical Sciences, which includes the research line: Data Science in Biomedicine, linked to the Research Group: GRID-BDS (IP: Carmen Cadarso Suárez_ORCID).

Participant requirements:
PhD degree obtained before January 1, 2019.
Minimum of 2 years of postdoctoral experience in R&D centers (different from the one in which the doctorate was obtained).

Annual gross salary: 29,039.38€ (made up of base salary and category supplement plus social costs).
Duration of the contract: a maximun of 4 years.
Deadline for submission: 31st May, 2021
Evaluation Process:
Phase 1- Merits: Scientific publications, participation in R&D programs, projects or contracts and other merits.
Phase 2: The candidate must present a research project in the area of Data Science in Biomedicine (a 5,000-word report maximum including a description of the scientific project to be developed).

Application link: https://sede.usc.es/formularios/solicitudes/ContratacionPersoalInvestigadorDistinguido.htm
Call description: https://imaisd.usc.es/ftp/oit/documentos/5130_gl.pdf
We hope it will be of your interest.