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Departamento: Matemáticas
Universidad: UDC
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Se han encontrado 34 registros.

1) Febrero-Bande, M.; Oviedo, M; Darbalaei, M. and Morteza, A. (2024). Functional regression models with functional response: a new approach and a comparative study Computational Statistics Google Scholar

2) Jácome, M. A.; López Cheda, A.; Aneiros Pérez, German; Carpente, L.; Costa, J.; Estévez Pérez, Graciela; Francisco-Fernández, M.; Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J.; González-Rueda, A. M.; Malheiro, M.T.; Muiños-Roca, M.C.; Oviedo, M; Piñeiro Lamas, B.; Presedo Quindimil, Manuel Antonio and Rodríguez-Fraguela, L.F. (2023). ACTAS XVI Congreso Galego de Estatística e Investigación de Operacións e I Xornadas Innovación Docente na Estatística e Investigación de Operacións. Comité Organizador. Jácome-Pumar,M.A, López-Cheda, A., Aneiros-Pérez, G., Carpente-Rodríguez, M.L., Costa-Bouzas, J., Estévez-Pérez, G., Francisco- Fernández, M., Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J., González-Rueda, A.M., Malheiro, M.T., Muiños-Roca, M.C., Oviedo de l Google Scholar

3) Febrero-Bande, M.; González-Manteiga, W. and Oviedo, M (2022). Prediction Models with Functional Data for Variables related with Energy Production In: Mathematics inspired by Applications. The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (pp. 271-297). Springer Google Scholar

4) Oviedo, M; Cabo, C.; Ordóñez Galán, C. and Roca Pardiñas, Javier (2021). A Distance Correlation Approach for Optimum Multiscale Selection in 3D Point Cloud Classification Mathematics Vol. 9, pp. 1-19 Google Scholar

5) Oviedo, M; Ordóñez Galán, C. and Roca Pardiñas, Javier (2020). Functional Location-Scale Model to Forecast Bivariate Pollution Episodes Mathematics Vol. 8, pp. 1-12 Google Scholar

6) Oviedo, M; Cabo, C.; Ordoñez, C. and Roca Pardiñas, Javier (2020). Optimum Scale Selection for 3D Point Cloud Classification through Distance Correlation In: Functional and High-Dimensional Statistics and Related Fields. IWFOS 2020. Contributions to Statistics. Springer, Cham. Aneiros G., Horová I., Hušková M., Vieu P. (eds) Google Scholar

7) Febrero-Bande, M.; González-Manteiga, W. and Oviedo, M (2019). Variable selection in Functional Additive Regression Models Computational Statistics Vol. 34, pp. 469-487 Google Scholar

8) Oviedo, M (2019). O paquete fda.usc Boletín de la SGAPEIO (Informest) Vol. 53, pp. 5-6 Google Scholar

9) Oviedo, M; Febrero-Bande, M.; Muñoz, MP and Domínguez, A. (2018). Predicting seasonal influenza transmission using functional regression models with temporal dependence PloS One Vol. 13 (4), pp. 1-18 Google Scholar

10) Ordóñez Galán, C.; Oviedo, M; Roca Pardiñas, Javier and Rodríguez-Pérez, J.R. (2018). Determining optimum wavelengths for leaf water content estimation from reflectance: A distance correlation approach Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems Vol. 173, pp. 41-50 Google Scholar

11) Luca; Oviedo, M; Torner, N.; Martínez, A. and Jané M (2018). Real-time predictive seasonal influenza model in Catalonia, Spain PLoS One Vol. 13(3), pp. 1-15 Google Scholar

12) Azarang, L. and Oviedo, M (2018). idmTPreg: Regression Model for Progressive Illness Death Data The R Journal Vol. 10:2, pp. 317-325 Google Scholar

13) Cuesta-Albertos, JA; Febrero-Bande, M. and Oviedo, M (2017). The DD^G-classifier in the functional setting TEST Vol. 26, pp. 119-142 Google Scholar

14) Febrero-Bande, M.; González-Manteiga, W. and Oviedo, M (2017). Variable selection in Functional Additive Regression Models In: Functional Statistics and Related Fields (pp. 113-122). Springer, Cham. Google Scholar

15) Oviedo, M; Domínguez, A. and Muñoz, MP (2015). Estimate of influenza cases using generalized linear, additive and mixed models Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics Vol. 11, pp. 298-301 Google Scholar

16) Febrero-Bande, M. and Oviedo, M (2014). "Functional Regression Models with Temporal and/or Spatial Dependence". In: Contributions in infinite-dimensional statistics and related topics (pp. 107-112). Società Editrice Esculapio Google Scholar

17) Oviedo, M; Muñoz, MP and Domínguez, A. (2013). Estimate of hepatitis B incidence in Catalonia and its relationship with immigration rates and vaccination coverage using generalized additive models Vacunas Vol. 14, pp. 103-110 Google Scholar

18) Febrero-Bande, M. and Oviedo, M (2012). Statistical computing in functional data analysis: the R package fda.usc Journal of Statistical Software Vol. 51 (4) , pp. 1-28 Google Scholar

19) Oviedo, M; Muñoz, MP; Carmona, G.; Borras, E.; Batalla, J.; Soldevila, N. and Domínguez, A. (2012). The impact of immigration and vaccination in reducing the incidence of hepatitis B in Catalonia (Spain) BMC Public Health Vol. 12:614, pp. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-12-614 Google Scholar

20) Izquierdo, I.; Oviedo, M and Ruiz, L. (2010). Influence of socioeconomic status on community-acquired pneumonia outcomes in elderly patients requiring hospitalization: a multicenter observational study BMC Public Health Vol. 10, pp. 421 Google Scholar

21) Martínez, A.; Domínguez, A.; Oviedo, M; Minguell, S.; Jansà, JM.; Codina, G. and Vázquez, JA (2009). Changes in the evolution of meningococcal disease, 2001-2008, Catalonia (Spain) Vaccine Vol. 27, pp. 3496-3498 Google Scholar

22) Oviedo, M; Muñoz, MP and Domínguez, A. (2009). Evaluación del impacto de los programas de vacunación masiva: la experiencia de la hepatitis A en Cataluña. Revista Española de Salud Pública Vol. 83 Número 5, pp. 697-709 Google Scholar

23) Martínez, A.; Domínguez, A.; Oviedo, M; Minguell, S.; Jansà, JM.; Codina, G. and Vázquez, JA (2009). Epidemiología de la enfermedad meningocócica en Cataluña antes y después de la vacunación frente al serogrupo C. Revista Española de Salud Pública Vol. 83 Número 5, pp. 725-735 Google Scholar

24) Domínguez, A.; Álvarez J; Sabrià, J.; Carmona, G.; Torner, N. and Oviedo, M (2009). Factors influencing the case fatality rate of Legionnaire’s disease. International Journal Of Tuberculosis And Lung Disease Vol. 13, pp. 407-412(6) Google Scholar

25) Domínguez, A.; Oviedo, M and Torner, N. (2009). Mumps: a year of enhanced surveillance in Catalonia. Vaccine Vol. 27, pp. 6492-3495 Google Scholar

26) Borras, E.; Domínguez, A.; Batalla, J.; Oviedo, M and Salleras, L. (2009). The influence of public or private paediatric health care on vaccination coverages in children in Catalonia The European Journal of Public Health Vol. 19, pp. 69-72 Google Scholar

27) Domínguez, A.; Oviedo, M; Carmona, G.; Batalla, J.; Bruguera, M.; Salleras, L. and Plasència, A. (2008). Impact and effectiveness of a mass hepatitis A vaccination programme of preadolescents seven years after introduction Vaccine Vol. 26, pp. 1737-1741 Google Scholar

28) Oviedo, M; Muñoz, MP; Domínguez, A.; Borras, E. and Carmona, G. (2008). A statistical model to estimate the impact of a hepatitis A vaccination programme Vaccine Vol. 26, pp. 6157-6164 Google Scholar

29) Domínguez, A.; Oviedo, M; Carmona, G.; Jansà, JM.; Borras, E. and Salleras, L. (2008). Epidemiology of hepatitis A before and after the introduction of a universal vaccination programme in Catalonia, Spain. Journal of Viral Hepatitis Vol. 15 (Suppl 2.), pp. 51-56 Google Scholar

30) Domínguez, A.; Oviedo, M and Carmona, G. (2008). A vaccination programme of preadolescents seven years after introduction. Vaccine Vol. 26, pp. 1737—1741 Google Scholar

31) Oviedo, M; Muñoz, MP; Domínguez, A. and Carmona, G. (2006). Estimated Incidence of Hepatitis A Virus Infection in Catalonia Annals of Epidemiology Vol. 16, pp. 812-819 Google Scholar

32) Ciruela, P.; Izquierdo, I.; Oviedo, M and Domínguez, A. (2004). Rotavirus y Adenovirus 40-41 como causantes de gastroenteritis infantil Vacunas Vol. 5, pp. 16-23 Google Scholar

33) Carmona, G.; Cardeñosa, N. and Oviedo, M (2004). Meningococcal disease in Catalonia, Spain (1990-1997) Medicina Clínica Vol. 16, pp. 486-9. Google Scholar

34) Domínguez, A.; Cardeñosa, N.; Pañella, H.; Orcau, A.; Oviedo, M and Carmona, G. (2004). The case-fatality rate of meningococcal disease in Catalonia, 1990-1997 Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases Vol. 36, pp. 274-279 Google Scholar