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Se han encontrado 23 registros.
1) de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo; Moreira, C. and Crujeiras, R.M.
(2022). The Statistical Analysis of Doubly Truncated Data: With Applications in R. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley |
2) de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo and Amorim, A.P.
(2011). A semiparametric estimator of the bivariate distribution function for censored gap times Biometrical Journal Vol. 53, pp. 113-127 |
3) Liang, Han-Ying and de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo
(2011). Wavelet estimation of conditional density with truncated, censored and dependent data Journal of Multivariate Analysis Vol. 102, pp. 448-467 |
4) Amorim, A.P.; de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo and Meira-Machado, L.
(2011). Presmoothing the transition probabilities in the illness-death model Statistics & Probability Letters (Special Issue: Statistics in Biological and Medical Sciences) Vol. 81, pp. 797-806 |
5) de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo
(2011). On the statistical properties of SGoF multitesting method Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology Vol. 10, Iss. 1, Article 18 |
6) Van Keilegom, I.; de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo and Meira-Machado, L.
(2011). Nonparametric location-scale models for censored successive survival times Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference Vol. 141, pp. 1118-1131 |
7) Carvajal-Rodríguez A. and de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo
(2011). Assessing significance in high-throughput experiments by sequential goodness of fit and q-value estimation PLoS ONE Vol. 6(9): e24700 |
8) Rodríguez-Casal, A.; de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo and Liang, Han-Ying
(2010). Nonlinear wavelet estimator of the regression function under left truncated dependent data Journal of Nonparametric Statistics Vol. 22, pp. 319-344 |
9) Moreira, C.; de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo and Crujeiras, R.M.
(2010). DTDA, an R package to analyze randomly truncated data Journal of Statistical Software Vol. 37, pp. 1-20 |
10) Meira-Machado, L.; de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo; Cadarso Suárez, Carmen María and Andersen, PK
(2009). Multi-state models for the analysis of time to event data Statistical Methods in Medical Research Vol. 18 (2), pp. 195-222 |
11) de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo and Roca Pardiñas, Javier
(2009). Additive models in censored regression Computational Statistics & Data Analysis Vol. 53(9), pp. 3490–3501 |
12) Meira-Machado, L.; Cadarso Suárez, Carmen María and de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo
(2008). Inference in the progressive tree-state models International Journal of Mathematical Models and methods in Applied Sciences Vol. 2, pp. 447-454 |
13) de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo and Meira-Machado, L.
(2008 ). A simple estimator of the bivariate distribution function for censored gap times Statistics & Probability Letters Vol. 78, pp. 2440-2445 |
14) de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo and Rodríguez-Casal, A.
(2007). Nonparametric estimation from length-biased data under competing risks Computational Statistics & Data Analysis Vol. 51, pp. 2653-2669 |
15) Meira-Machado, L.; Cadarso Suárez, Carmen María and de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo
(2007). tdc.msm: An R library for the analysis of multi-state survival data Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Vol. 86, pp. 131-140 |
16) de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo and Rodríguez-Casal, A.
(2006). Comparing nonparametric estimators for length-biased data Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods Vol. 35, pp. 905 - 919 |
17) Meira-Machado, L.; de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo and Cadarso Suárez, Carmen María
(2006). Nonparametric estimation of transition probabilities in a non-Markov illness-death model Lifetime Data Analysis Vol. 12, pp. 325-344 |
18) Rodríguez-Casal, A. and de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo
(2004). Nonlinear wavelet density estimation under the Koziol-Green model Journal of Nonparametric Statistics Vol. 16 (1-2), pp. 91-109 |
19) de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo; González-Manteiga, W. and Cadarso Suárez, Carmen María
(2003). Chi-squared goodness-of-fit theory under proportional censorship Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference Vol. 109, pp. 101-124. Elsevier Science Bv |
20) de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo; González-Manteiga, W. and Cadarso Suárez, Carmen María
(2000). Kernel distribution function estimation under the Koziol-Green model Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference Vol. 87, pp. 199-219 |
21) de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo and González-Manteiga, W.
(1999). Strong consistency under proportional censorship when covariables are present Statistics & Probability Letters Vol. 42, pp. 283-292. Elsevier Science Bv |
22) de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo and González-Manteiga, W.
(1998). Distributional convergence under proportional censorship when covariables are present Statistics & Probability Letters Vol. 39, pp. 305-315. Elsevier Science Bv |
23) de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo; Cadarso Suárez, Carmen María; González-Manteiga, W. and Cao, R.
(1997). Bootstrap selection of the smoothing parameter in density estimation under the Koziol-Green model L1-Stastistical Procedures and Related Topics. Lecture Notes of IMS Vol. 31, pp. 385-398 |