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Departamento: | Estadística, Análisis Matemático y Optimización |
Universidad: | USC |
Teléfono: | 881813207 |
Extensión: | 13207 |
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Se han encontrado 40 registros.
1) González-Rodríguez, B.; Alvite-Pazo, R.; Alvite-Pazo, S.; Ghaddar, B. and González-Díaz, J.
(2025). Polynomial Optimization: Tightening RLT-Based Branch-and-Bound Schemes with Conic Constraints Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Vol. 204 |
2) González-Díaz, J.; Palacios-Huerta, Ignacio and Abuín Mosquera, J. M.
(2024). Personal Bests and Gender The Review of Economics and Statistics Vol. 106, pp. 409-422 |
3) González-Rodríguez, B.; Ossorio Castillo, J.; González-Díaz, J.; González-Rueda, A. M.; Rodríguez Martínez, D. and R Penas, David
(2023). Computational advances in polynomial optimization: RAPOSa, a freely available global solver Journal of Global Optimization Vol. 85, pp. 541–568 |
4) Ghaddar, B.; Gómez-Casares, Ignacio; González-Díaz, J.; González-Rodríguez, B.; Pateiro-López, B. and Rodríguez Ballesteros, S.
(2023). Learning for Spatial Branching: An Algorithm Selection Approach Informs Journal on Computing Vol. 35, pp. 1024-1043 |
5) González-Díaz, J.; García-Jurado, I. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.
(2023). An Introductory Course on Mathematical Game Theory and Applications. Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 238. American Mathematical Society |
6) González-Díaz, J.; González-Rodríguez, B.; Leal, M. and Puerto, J.
(2021). Global Optimization for Bilevel Portfolio Design: Economic Insights from the Dow Jones Index Omega Vol. 102 |
7) González-Díaz, J.; Fernández de Córdoba, M. P. and González-Rueda, A. M.
(2019). A twist on SLP algorithms for NLP and MINLP problems: an application to gas transmission networks Optimization and Engineering Vol. 20, pp. 349-395 |
8) González-Díaz, J.; Bergantiños, G. and González-Rueda, A. M.
(2019). The Shapley rule for loss allocation in energy transmission networks In: Handbook of the Shapley Value (Ch. 17). CRC Press. Taylor and Francis Group |
9) González-Díaz, J. and Deb, J
(2019). Enforcing social norms: Trust-building and community enforcement Theoretical Economics Vol. 14, pp. 1387-1433 |
10) González-Díaz, J.; Bermúdez de Castro, A. and González Diéguez, F. J.
(2017). Existence of solution to a model for gas transportation networks on non-flat topography Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications Vol. 37, pp. 71-93 |
11) González-Díaz, J.; Mirás, M.; Sánchez, E. and Quinteiro Sandomingo, C.
(2016). Airport games: The core and its center Mathematical Social Sciences Vol. 82, pp. 105-115 |
12) González-Díaz, J. and Palacios-Huerta, Ignacio
(2016). Cognitive Performance in Competitive Environments: Evidence from a Natural Experiment Journal of Public Economics Vol. 139, pp. 40-52 |
13) González-Díaz, J.; Bermúdez de Castro, A.; González Diéguez, F. J. and González-Rueda, A. M.
(2016). Gas transmission networks in Europe: Connections between different entry-exit tariff methodologies Applied Energy Vol. 177, pp. 839-851 |
14) González-Díaz, J.
(2016). John Nash: Do Hex ó Nobel Boletín de la SGAPEIO (Informest) Vol. 43, pp. 2-5 |
15) González-Díaz, J.; Deb, J and J. Renault, J.
(2016). Uniform Folk Theorems in Repeated Anonymous Random Matching Games Games and Economic Behavior Vol. 100, pp. 1-23 |
16) González-Díaz, J.; Bergantiños, G.; González-Rueda, A. M. and Fernández de Córdoba, M. P.
(2016). Loss allocation in energy transmission networks Games and Economic Behavior Vol. 102, pp. 69-97 |
17) González-Díaz, J.; Sánchez, E.; Mirás, M. and Quinteiro Sandomingo, C.
(2015). Monotonicity of the core-center of the airport game TOP Vol. 23, pp. 773-798 |
18) González-Díaz, J.; Fernández de Córdoba, M. P.; González-Rueda, A. M.; González Diéguez, F. J. and Bermúdez de Castro, A.
(2015). Simulation and optimization models of steady-state gas transmission networks Energy Procedia Vol. 64, pp. 130-139 |
19) González-Díaz, J. and Miguel A. Meléndez-Jiménez
(2014). On the Notion of Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium TOP Vol. 22, pp. 128-143 |
20) González-Díaz, J.
(2014). Paired Comparisons Analysis: An Axiomatic Approach to Rankings in Tournaments Social Choice and Welfare Vol. 42, pp. 139-169 |
21) González-Díaz, J. and Sánchez, E.
(2014). Understanding the Coincidence of Allocation Rules: Symmetry and Orthogonality in TU Games International Journal of Game Theory Vol. 43, pp. 821-843 |
22) González-Díaz, J. and Siegel, R.
(2013). Matching and price competition: beyond symmetric linear costs International Journal of Game Theory Vol. 42, pp. 835-844 |
23) González-Díaz, J.; Bermúdez de Castro, A.; González Diéguez, F. J. and González-Rueda, A. M.
(2013). Gas transport networks: Entry–exit tariffs via least squares methodology Energy Policy Vol. 63, pp. 252-260 |
24) Casas-Méndez, B. V.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I. and González-Díaz, J.
(2012 (Primera reimpresión: febrero de 2016)). Introducción a la Teoría de Juegos. ISBN: 978-84-9887-913-1. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela |
25) González-Díaz, J.
(2012). First-price winner-takes-all contests Optimization Vol. 61, pp. 779-804 |
26) González-Díaz, J.; Patrone, F.; F. Briata and García-Jurado, I.
(2012). Essential Collections for Equilibrium Concepts International Journal of Game Theory Vol. 41, pp. 517-552 |
27) González-Díaz, J.; Gossner, Olivier and Rogers, Brian
(2012). Performing Best when it Matters Most: Evidence from professional tennis Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization Vol. 84, pp. 767-781 |
28) González-Díaz, J.; García-Jurado, I. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.
(2010). An introductory course on mathematical game theory. Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 115. American Mathematical Society |
29) González-Díaz, J. and Sánchez, E.
(2009). Towards an axiomatization of the core-center European Journal of Operational Research Vol. 195, pp. 449-459 |
30) González-Díaz, J. and Sánchez, E.
(2008). Cores of convex and strictly convex games Games and Economic Behavior Vol. 62, pp. 100-105 |
31) Brozos-Vázquez, M.; Campo-Cabana, M. A.; Díaz-Ramos, J. C. and González-Díaz, J.
(2008). Ranking participants in tournaments by means of rating functions Journal of Mathematical Economics Vol. 44, pp. 1246-1256 |
32) Febrero-Bande, M.; Galeano, P.; González-Díaz, J. and Pateiro-López, B.
(2008). Estadística. Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Sistemas . Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. ISBN: 13: 978-84-691-0974-8, DL: C-351-2008 |
33) Febrero-Bande, M.; Galeano, P.; González-Díaz, J. and Pateiro-López, B.
(2008). Prácticas de Estadística en R. Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Sistemas . Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. ISBN-13: 978-84-691-0975-1, DL: C-350-2008 |
34) González-Díaz, J.; Borm, P. and Norde, H.
(2007). A silent battle over a cake European Journal of Operational Research Vol. 177, pp. 591-603 |
35) González-Díaz, J. and Sánchez, E.
(2007). A natural selection from the core of a TU game: the core-center International Journal of Game Theory Vol. 36, pp. 27-46 |
36) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Casas-Méndez, B. V. and González-Díaz, J.
(2007). John Von Neumann, a vida dun matemático GAMMA Vol. 7, pp. 79-82 |
37) González-Díaz, J.
(2006). Finitely repeated games: a generalized Nash folk theorem Games and Economic Behavior Vol. 55, pp. 100-111 |
38) García-Jurado, I.; González-Díaz, J. and Villar, A.
(2006). A noncooperative approach to bankruptcy problems Spanish Economic Review Vol. 8, pp. 189-197 |
39) García-Jurado, I. and González-Díaz, J.
(2006). The role of commitment in repeated games Optimization Vol. 55, pp. 541-553 |
40) González-Díaz, J.; Borm, P.; Hendrickx, R. and Quant, M.
(2005). A geometric characterisation of the compromise value Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Vol. 61, pp. 483-500 |