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Se han encontrado 76 registros.

1) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I.; Meca, A. and Mosquera, M. A. (2024). Evaluating the impact of items and cooperation in inventory models with exemptable ordering costs International Journal of Production Economics Vol. 269, pp. 109151 Google Scholar

2) González-Díaz, J.; García-Jurado, I. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2023). An Introductory Course on Mathematical Game Theory and Applications. Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 238. American Mathematical Society Google Scholar

3) Davila-Pena, L.; García-Jurado, I. and Casas-Méndez, B. V. (2022). Assessment of the influence of features on a classification problem: an application to COVID-19 patients European Journal of Operational Research Vol. 299, pp. 631-641 Google Scholar

4) Gonçalves Dosantos, J.C.; García-Jurado, I.; Costas, J. and Alonso-Meijide, J. M. (2022). Necessary players and values Annals of Operations Research Vol. 318, pp. 935-961 Google Scholar

5) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I.; Meca, A. and Mosquera, M. A. (2020). On benefits of cooperation under strategic power Annals of Operations Research Vol. 288, pp. 285-306 Google Scholar

6) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Costa, J.; García-Jurado, I. and Gonçalves Dosantos, J.C. (2020). On egalitarian values for cooperative games with a priori unions TOP Vol. 28, pp. 672-688 Google Scholar

7) Méndez Fernández, I.; Lorenzo-Freire, S.; García-Jurado, I.; Costa, J. and Carpente, L. (2020). A heuristic approach to the task planning problem in a home care business Health Care Management Science Vol. 23, pp. 556-570 Google Scholar

8) Davila-Pena, L.; Casas-Méndez, B. V. and García-Jurado, I. (2020). Cales son as características máis influentes na clasificación de pacientes infectados por COVID-19 en Galicia? In: Boletín de la SGAPEIO (Informest) (pp. 4). SGAPEIO Google Scholar

9) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Costa, J. and García-Jurado, I. (2019). Null, Nullifying, and Necessary Agents: Parallel Characterizations of the Banzhaf and Shapley Values Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Vol. 180, pp. 1027-1035 Google Scholar

10) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Costas, J. and García-Jurado, I. (2019). Values, nullifiers and dummifiers In: Handbook of the Shapley value (pp. 75-92). Chapman and Hall Google Scholar

11) Saavedra Nieves, A.; García-Jurado, I. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2018). On coalition formation in a non-convex multi-agent inventory problem Annals of Operations Research Vol. 261, pp. 255-273 Google Scholar

12) Saavedra Nieves, A.; García-Jurado, I. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2018). Placing joint orders when holding costs are negligible and shortages are not allowed In: Game Theory in Management Accounting: Implementing Incentives and Fairness. (Mueller, D.; Trost, R., Eds.) (pp. 349-360). Springer Google Scholar

13) Saavedra Nieves, A.; García-Jurado, I. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2018). Estimation of the Owen Value Based on Sampling In: The Mathematics of the Uncertain. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (pp. 347-356). Springer Google Scholar

14) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I.; Meca, A. and Mosquera, M. A. (2015). Cooperation on capacitated inventory situations with fixed holding costs European Journal of Operational Research Vol. 241, pp. 719-726 Google Scholar

15) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Carreras, F.; Costa, J. and García-Jurado, I. (2015). The proportional partitional Shapley value Discrete Applied Mathematics Vol. 187, pp. 1-11 Google Scholar

16) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I.; Meca, A. and Mosquera, M. A. (2014). Centralized inventory in a farming community Journal of Business Economics Vol. 84, pp. 983-997 Google Scholar

17) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I.; Meca, A. and Mosquera, M. A. (2013). A new cost allocation rule for inventory transportation systems Operations Research Letters Vol. 41, pp. 449-453 Google Scholar

18) Casas-Méndez, B. V.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I. and González-Díaz, J. (2012 (Primera reimpresión: febrero de 2016)). Introducción a la Teoría de Juegos. ISBN: 978-84-9887-913-1. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Google Scholar

19) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I.; Meca, A. and Mosquera, M. A. (2012). Cost allocation in inventory transportation systems TOP Vol. 20, pp. 397-410 Google Scholar

20) González-Díaz, J.; Patrone, F.; F. Briata and García-Jurado, I. (2012). Essential Collections for Equilibrium Concepts International Journal of Game Theory Vol. 41, pp. 517-552 Google Scholar

21) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I.; Meca, A. and Mosquera, M. A. (2011). Cooperative game theory and inventory management European Journal of Operational Research Vol. 210, pp. 459-466 Google Scholar

22) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I. and Mosquera, M. A. (2011). Cooperative games and cost allocation problems TOP Vol. 19, pp. 1-22 Google Scholar

23) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. and García-Jurado, I. (2011). A New Power Index for Spatial Games In: Modern Mathematical Tools and Techniques in Capturing Complexity (pp. 275-285). Springer Series in Synergetics Google Scholar

24) González-Díaz, J.; García-Jurado, I. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2010). An introductory course on mathematical game theory. Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 115. American Mathematical Society Google Scholar

25) Kleppe, J.; Hendrickx, R.; Borm, P.; García-Jurado, I. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2010). Transfers, contracts and stategic games TOP Vol. 18, pp. 481-492 Google Scholar

26) García-Jurado, I.; Llorca, N.; Meca, A. and Sánchez-Soriano, J. (2009). Strategic absentmindedness in finitely repeated games TOP Vol. 17, pp. 85-95 Google Scholar

27) García-Sanz, M. D.; Fernández, F. R.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I. and Puerto, J. (2008). Cooperation in markovian queueing models European Journal of Operational Research Vol. 188, pp. 485-495 Google Scholar

28) Mosquera, M. A.; García-Jurado, I. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2008). A note on coalitional manipulation and centralized inventory management Annals of Operations Research Vol. 158, pp. 183-188 Google Scholar

29) Mosquera, M. A.; Borm, P.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I. and Voorneveld, M. (2008). Characterizing cautious choice Mathematical Social Sciences Vol. 55, pp. 143-155 Google Scholar

30) García-Jurado, I. (2008). Comments on: Transversality of the Shapley value TOP Vol. 16, pp. 51-53 Google Scholar

31) García-Jurado, I. (2008). "Cine e computadores". In: Dos ábacos aos computadores. M. R. Bermejo Patiño (ed.). Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Google Scholar

32) García-Jurado, I. and González-Díaz, J. (2006). The role of commitment in repeated games Optimization Vol. 55, pp. 541-553 Google Scholar

33) García-Jurado, I.; González-Díaz, J. and Villar, A. (2006). A noncooperative approach to bankruptcy problems Spanish Economic Review Vol. 8, pp. 189-197 Google Scholar

34) García-Jurado, I. (2006). Robert Aumann Boletín de la SGAPEIO (Informest) Vol. 26, pp. 6-7 Google Scholar

35) Fernández, F. R.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I. and Puerto, J. (2005). Competition and cooperation in non-centralized linear production games Annals of Operations Research Vol. 137, pp. 91-100 Google Scholar

36) Meca, A.; Timmer, J.; García-Jurado, I. and Borm, P. (2004). Inventory games European Journal of Operational Research Vol. 156, pp. 127-139 Google Scholar

37) García-Jurado, I.; Méndez-Naya, L. and Sánchez Sellero, C. (2004). Density estimation using game theory Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Vol. 59, pp. 349-357 Google Scholar

38) Fragnelli, V.; García-Jurado, I. and Méndez-Naya, L. (2004). A note on bus games Economics Letters Vol. 82, pp. 99-106 Google Scholar

39) García-Jurado, I.; Borm, P. and Meca, A. (2003). Cooperation and competition in inventory games Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Vol. 57, pp. 481-493 Google Scholar

40) Fernández, F. R.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I. and Puerto, J. (2003). On the allocation of excesses of resources in linear production problems In: Operations Research Proceedings 2002 (pp. 465-470). U. Leopold-Wildburguer, F. Rendl and G. Wäscher (eds.). Springer Verlag Google Scholar

41) García-Jurado, I.; Patrone, F. and Tijs, S. (2002). Game practice. Springer Google Scholar

42) Norde, H.; Fragnelli, V.; García-Jurado, I.; Patrone, F. and Tijs, S. (2002). Balancedness of infrastructure cost games European Journal of Operational Research Vol. 136, pp. 635-654 Google Scholar

43) García-Jurado, I. (2002). Algunas conexiones que surgen en la teoría de juegos cooperativos In: Las matemáticas del mundo y el mundo de las matemáticas. F. R. Fernández (ed.). Publicaciones de la Universidad de Barcelona Google Scholar

44) Puerto, J.; García-Jurado, I. and Fernández, F. R. (2001). On the core of a class of location games Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Vol. 54, pp. 373-385 Google Scholar

45) Sánchez-Soriano, J.; López, M. A. and García-Jurado, I. (2001). On the core of transportation games Mathematical Social Sciences Vol. 41, pp. 215-225 Google Scholar

46) Patrone, F.; García-Jurado, I. and Tijs, S. (2000). Game practice: contributions from applied game theory. Kluwer Academic Publishers Google Scholar

47) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I. and Puerto, J. (2000). The concept of proper solution in linear programming Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Vol. 106, pp. 511-525 Google Scholar

48) Fragnelli, V.; García-Jurado, I. and Méndez-Naya, L. (2000). On shortest path games Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Vol. 52, pp. 251-264 Google Scholar

49) Fragnelli, V.; García-Jurado, I.; Norde, H.; Patrone, F. and Tijs, S. (2000). How to share railways infrastructure costs? In: Game Practice: Contributions from Applied Game Theory (pp. 91-101). F. Patrone, I. García-Jurado and S. Tijs (eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers Google Scholar

50) García-Jurado, I.; Méndez-Naya, L. and Patrone, F. (2000). Unilateral commitments in finitely repeated games International Game Theory Review Vol. 2, pp. 129-139 Google Scholar

51) García-Jurado, I.; Valenciano, F. and Winter, E. (1998). Games and politics. Springer Google Scholar

52) Faíña-Medín, A.; García-Jurado, I.; Méndez-Naya, L. and Méndez-Naya, J. (1998). Unilateral commitment in the finitely repeated prisioners' dilemma Annals of Operations Research Vol. 84, pp. 187-194 Google Scholar

53) Meca, A.; Sánchez-Soriano, J.; García-Jurado, I. and Tijs, S. (1998). Strong equilibria in claim games corresponding to convex games International Journal of Game Theory Vol. 27, pp. 211-217 Google Scholar

54) Cao, R.; Febrero-Bande, M.; Prada-Sánchez, J. M.; García-Jurado, I. and González-Manteiga, W. (1997). Saving computer time in constructing consistent bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressive processes Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation Vol. 26, 3, pp. 961-978 Google Scholar

55) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. and García-Jurado, I. (1997). Perfectly almost strict equilibria for finite games in strategic form Mathematical Social Sciences Vol. 33, pp. 269-276 Google Scholar

56) Vázquez-Brage, M.; Nouweland, A. van den and García-Jurado, I. (1997). Owen´s coalitional value and aircraft landing fees Mathematical Social Sciences Vol. 34, pp. 273-286 Google Scholar

57) Borm, P.; García-Jurado, I.; Potters, J. and Tijs, S. (1996). An amalgation of games European Journal of Operational Research Vol. 89, pp. 570-580 Google Scholar

58) Vázquez-Brage, M.; García-Jurado, I. and Carreras, F. (1996). The Owen value applied to games with graph-restricted communication Games and Economic Behavior Vol. 12, pp. 45-53 Google Scholar

59) García-Jurado, I.; Cao, R.; Febrero-Bande, M.; Prada-Sánchez, J. M. and González-Manteiga, W. (1995). Prediction using Box-Jenkins, nonparametric and bootstrap techniques Technometrics Vol. 37, 3, pp. 303-310 Google Scholar

60) Méndez-Naya, L.; García-Jurado, I. and Cesco, J. C. (1995). Perfection of Nash equilibria in continuous games Mathematical Social Sciences Vol. 29, pp. 225-237 Google Scholar

61) Borm, P.; Cao, R. and García-Jurado, I. (1995). Maximum likelihood equilibria in random games Optimization Vol. 35, pp. 77-84 Google Scholar

62) Borm, P.; Cao, R.; García-Jurado, I. and Méndez-Naya, L. (1995). Weakly strict equilibrium in finite normal form games OR Spektrum Vol. 17, pp. 235-238 Google Scholar

63) Bergantiños, G. and García-Jurado, I. (1995). Estudio comparativo de diversas funciones características asociadas a un juego en forma normal Investigaciones Económicas XIX, pp. 127-138 Google Scholar

64) Cao, R.; Febrero-Bande, M.; García-Jurado, I.; González-Manteiga, W. and Prada-Sánchez, J. M. (1994). Un estudio de simulación comparativo de técnicas no paramétricas, semiparamétricas y Box-Jenkins para la predicción con datos dependientes Estadística Española Vol. 36, 135, pp. 5-20 Google Scholar

65) Prada-Sánchez, J. M.; García-Jurado, I.; González-Manteiga, W.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; Espada Ríos, M.I. and Lucas Domínguez, Tomás (1993). Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Precipitation Chemistry in Northwestern Spain Water, Air and Soil Pollution. An International Journal of Environmental Pollution Vol. 69, pp. 37-55. Springer Google Scholar

66) González-Manteiga, W.; García-Jurado, I.; Cao, R.; Febrero-Bande, M.; Prada-Sánchez, J. M. and Lucas Domínguez, Tomás (1993). Time Series Analysis for ambient concentrations Atmospheric Environment Vol. 27A, 2, pp. 153-158. Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd Google Scholar

67) Carreras, F.; García-Jurado, I. and Pacios, M. A. (1993). Estudio coalicional de los Parlamentos Autonómicos Españoles de Régimen Común Revista de Estudios Políticos Vol. 82, pp. 152-176 Google Scholar

68) Cao, R.; González-Manteiga, W.; Prada-Sánchez, J. M.; García-Jurado, I. and Febrero-Bande, M. (1992). Forecasting using a semiparametric model In: Computational Statistics (pp. 327-330). Springer Heidelberg Google Scholar

69) Bergantiños, G.; Carreras, F. and García-Jurado, I. (1992). Cooperation when some players are incompatible ZOR Methods and Models of Operations Research Vol. 38, pp. 187-202 Google Scholar

70) Jurg, A. P.; García-Jurado, I. and Borm, P. (1992). On modifications of the concepts of perfect and proper equilibria OR Spektrum Vol. 14, pp. 85-90 Google Scholar

71) García-Jurado, I.; Marchi, E. and Prada-Sánchez, J. M. (1991). Refinamientos del concepto de equilibrio en extensiones generalizadas de juegos finitos Trabajos de Investigación Operativa Vol. 6, pp. 83-92 Google Scholar

72) Bergantiños, G. and García-Jurado, I. (1991). A note on equalization in extensive form games Games and Economic Behavior Vol. 3, pp. 157-162 Google Scholar

73) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. and García-Jurado, I. (1991). A new geometric approach to bimatrix games Qüestiió Vol. 15, pp. 299-306 Google Scholar

74) González-Manteiga, W.; García-Jurado, I.; Prada-Sánchez, J. M. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (1990). Dependence between fusion temperatures and chemical components of a certain type of coal using classical, nonparametric and bootstrap techniques Journal of Chemometrics Vol. 4, 6, pp. 429-440. John Wiley & Sons Ltd Google Scholar

75) García-Jurado, I. and Prada-Sánchez, J. M. (1990). A remark on Myerson's concept of proper equilibrium International Journal of Game Theory Vol. 19, pp. 11-16 Google Scholar

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