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Se han encontrado 43 registros.
1) Borrajo, M.I.; González-Manteiga, W. and Martínez-Miranda, M.D.
(2024). Goodness-of-fit test for point processes first-order intensity Computational Statistics and Data Analysis |
2) ; Martínez-Miranda, M.D.; Nielsen, J.P. and Scholz, M.
(2024). Robustifying and simplifying high-dimensional regression with applications to yearly stock return and telematics data Financial Innovation Vol. 10:138 |
3) González-Manteiga, W.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D. and Van Keilegom, I.
(2023). Goodness-of-fit tests in proportional hazards models with random effects Biometrical Journal Vol. 65 |
4) Gámiz,, M.L.; Mammen, E.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D. and Nielsen, J.P.
(2022). Missing Link Survival Analysis with Applications to Available Pandemic Data Computational Statistics and Data Analysis Vol. 169, pp. 107405 |
5) Isakson, A.; Kummaker, S.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D. and Rickayzen, B.
(2021). Calendar Effect and In-Sample Forecasting Applied to Mesothelioma Mortality Data Mathematics Vol. 9, pp. 2260 |
6) Hiabu, M.; Mammen, E.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D. and Nielsen, J.P.
(2021). Smooth Backfitting of Proportional Hazards with Multiplicative Components Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 116, pp. 1983-1993 |
7) Mammen, E.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D.; Nielsen, J.P. and Vogt, M.
(2021). Calendar Effect and in-sample forecasting. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics Insurance: Mathematics and Economics Vol. 96, pp. 31-52 |
8) Borrajo, M.I.; González-Manteiga, W. and Martínez-Miranda, M.D.
(2020). Testing for significant differences between two spatial patterns using covariates Spatial Statistics |
9) Borrajo, M.I.; González-Manteiga, W. and Martínez-Miranda, M.D.
(2020). Bootstrapping kernel intensity estimation for imhomogeneous poit processes with spatial covariates Computational Statistics and Data Analysis |
10) Gamiz M.L.; López-Montoya, A.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D. and Raya Miranda, R.
(2019). Data visualization for reliability analysis of repairable systems Quality and Reliability Engineering International Vol. 35, pp. 99-115 |
11) Gamiz M.L.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D. and Nielsen, J.P.
(2019). Multiplicative local linear hazard estimation and best one-sided cross-validation Journal of Machine Learning Research Vol. 20, pp. 1-29 |
12) Elpidorou, V.; Margraf, C.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D. and Nielsen, B.
(2019). A Likelihood Approach to Bornhuetter-Ferguson Analysis. Risks Vol. 7 |
13) Gámiz,, M.L.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D. and Raya Miranda, R.
(2018). Graphical goodness-of-fit test for mortality models Mathematical Population Studies Vol. 25, pp. 123-142 |
14) Borrajo, M.I.; González-Manteiga, W. and Martínez-Miranda, M.D.
(2017). Bandwidth selection for kernel density estimation with length-biased data Journal of Nonparametric Statistics Vol. 29 (3), pp. 636-668 |
15) Gamiz M.L.; Mammen, E.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D. and Nielsen, J.P.
(2016). Do-validating local linear hazards Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B Vol. 78, pp. 755-779 |
16) González-Manteiga, W.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D. and Van Keilegom, I.
(2016). Goodness-of-fit Test in Parametric Mixed Effects Models based on Estimation of the Error Distribution Biometrika Vol. 103 (1), pp. 133-146 |
17) Hiabu, M.; Mammen, E.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D. and Nielsen, J.P.
(2016). In-sample forecasting with local linear survival densities Biometrika Vol. 103, pp. 843-859 |
18) Martínez-Miranda, M.D.; Nielsen, B. and Nielsen, J.P.
(2016). Simple benchmark for mesothelioma projection for Great Britain Occupational and Environmental Medicine Vol. 73, pp. 561-563 |
19) Hiabu, M.; Margraf, C.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D. and Nielsen, J.P.
(2016). Cash flow generalisations of non-life insurance expert systems estimating outstanding liabilities Expert Systems with Applications Vol. 45, pp. 400-409 |
20) Hiabu, M.; Margraf, C.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D. and Nielsen, J.P.
(2016). The Link Between Classical Reserving and Granular Reserving Through Double Chain Ladder and its Extensions British Actuarial Journal Vol. 21, pp. 97-116 |
21) Martínez-Miranda, M.D.; Nielsen, B. and Nielsen, J.P.
(2015). Inference and prediction in the age-period-cohort model with unknown exposure Journal of The Royal Statistical Society Series A-Statistics In Society Vol. 178(1), pp. 29-55 |
22) Martínez-Miranda, M.D.; Nielsen, J.P.; Verrall, R. and Wüthrich, M.V.
(2015). Double chain ladder, claims development inflation and zero-claims Scandinavian Actuarial Journal Vol. 2015, Issue 5, pp. 383-405 |
23) Mammen, E.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D. and Nielsen, J.P.
(2015). In-Sample Forecasting Applied to Reserving and Mesothelioma Mortality Insurance: Mathematics and Economics Vol. 61, pp. 76-86 |
24) López-Montoya, A.; Gamiz M.L. and Martínez-Miranda, M.D.
(2015). Local Linear Smoothing to Estimate Accelerated Lifetime Model with Censoring and Truncation Applied Mathematical Modelling Vol. 39, pp. 4630-4645 |
25) Hiabu, M.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D.; Nielsen, J.P.; Spreeuw, J. and Tanggaard, C.
(2015). Global Polynomial Kernel Hazard Estimation Revista Colombiana de Estadística Vol. 38, pp. 399-411 |
26) Agbeko,T.; Hiabu, M.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D.; Nielsen, J.P. and Verrall, R.
(2015). Validating the Double Chain Ladder Stochastic Claims Reserving Model Variance-Advancing the Science of Risk Vol. 8(2), pp. 1-23 |
27) Mammen, E.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D.; Nielsen, J.P. and Sperlich, S.
(2014). Further theoretical and practical insight to the do-validated bandwidth selector Journal of Korean Statistical Society Vol. 43, pp. 355-365 |
28) Gamiz M.L.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D. and Nielsen, J.P.
(2013). Smoothing survival densities in practice Computational Statistics & Data Analysis Vol. 58(1), pp. 368-382 |
29) González-Manteiga, W.; Lombardía, M. J.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D. and Sperlich, S.
(2013). Kernel Smoothers and Bootstrapping for Semiparametric Mixed Effects Models Journal of Multivariate Analysis Vol. 114, pp. 288-302 |
30) Gamiz M.L.; Janys, L.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D. and Nielsen, J.P.
(2013). Smooth marker dependent hazard estimation in practice Computational Statistics and Data Analysis Vol. 68, pp. 155-169 |
31) González-Manteiga, W.; Lombardía, M. J.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D. and Sperlich, S.
(2013). Kernel Smoothers and Bootstrapping for Semiparametric Mixed Effects Models Journal of Multivariate Analysis Vol. 114, pp. 288-302 |
32) Martínez-Miranda, M.D.; Nielsen, J.P.; Sperlich, S. and Verrall, R.
(2013). Continuous Chain Ladder: Reformulating and generalizing a classical insurance problem Experts Systems with Applications Vol. 40(14), pp. 5588–5603 |
33) Martínez-Miranda, M.D.; Nielsen, J.P. and Verrall, R.
(2013). Double Chain Ladder and Bornhuetter-Ferguson North American Actuarial Journal Vol. 17(2), pp. 101-113 |
34) Martínez-Miranda, M.D.; Nielsen, J.P. and Verrall, R.
(2012). Double Chain Ladder Astin Bulletin Vol. 42(1), pp. 59-76 |
35) Martínez-Miranda, M.D.; Nielsen, J.P. and Wüthrich, M.V.
(2012). Statistical modelling and forecasting in Non-life insurance SORT Vol. 36(2), pp. 195-218 |
36) Raya Miranda, R. and Martínez-Miranda, M.D.
(2011). Data-driven local bandwidth selection for additive models with missing data Applied Mathematics and Computation Vol. 217(24), pp. 10328-10342 |
37) Mammen, E.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D.; Nielsen, J.P. and Verrall, R.
(2011). Do-validation for Kernel Density Estimation Journal of the American Statistical Association-Theory and Methods Vol. 106, pp. 651-660 |
38) Martínez-Miranda, M.D.; Nielsen, B.; Nielsen, J.P. and Verrall, R.
(2011). Cash flow simulation for a model of outstanding liabilities based on claim amounts and claim numbers Astin Bulletin Vol. 41(1), pp. 107–129 |
39) Gamiz M.L. and Martínez-Miranda, M.D.
(2010). Regression analysis of the structure function for reliability evaluation of continuous-state system Reliability Engineering and System Safety Vol. 95, pp. 134-142 |
40) Martínez-Miranda, M.D.; Raya Miranda, R.; González-Manteiga, W. and González-Carmona, A.
(2008). A bootstrap local bandwidth selector for additive models Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics Vol. 17, 1, pp. 38-55 |
41) González-Manteiga, W.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D. and Raya Miranda, R.
(2008). Sizer map for inference with additive models Statistics and Computing Vol. 18, pp. 297-312 |
42) González-Manteiga, W.; Martínez-Miranda, M.D. and Pérez González, Ana
(2004). The choice of smoothing parameter in nonparametric regression through wild bootstrap Computational Statistics & Data Analysis |
43) Borrajo, M.I.; González-Manteiga, W. and Martínez-Miranda, M.D.
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