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1) Alonso-Pena, M., I. Gijbels, Crujeiras, R.M. (To appear) . A general framework for circular local likelihood regression Journal of the American Statistical Association . Google Scholar

2) Bianco, A., Spano, P.M. (To appear) . "Robust inference for nonlinear regression models". TestSpringer. ISSN: 1133-0686 . Google Scholar

3) Boente, G., Kudraszow, N. (To appear) . "Robust smoothed canonical correlation analysis for functional data". Statistica Sinica . Google Scholar

4) Boente, G., Barrera, S., Vena, P. (To appear) . "Robust estimation for semi-functional linear regression models.". Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 152. pp. 107041. . Google Scholar

5) Boente, G., Pardo Fernández, Juan Carlos (To appear) . "Testing for superiority between two variance functions". Statistics and Probability Letters 156. pp. 108612. . Google Scholar

6) Bianco, A., Boente, G., Rodrigues, I.M. (To appear) . "Robust Wald-type methods for testing equality between two populations regression parameters: A comparative study under the logistic model". Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 142. pp. 10682. . Google Scholar

7) Meilán-Vila, A., Fernández-Casal, R., Crujeiras, R.M., Francisco-Fernández, M. (To appear) . A computational validation for nonparametric assessment of spatial trends Computational Statistics . Google Scholar

8) Meilán-Vila, A., Francisco-Fernández, M., Crujeiras, R.M. (To appear) . Goodness-of-fit tests for multiple regression with circular response Journal of Statistical Computation and SimulationTaylor and Francis. . Google Scholar

9) Martínez Santalla, S., Martín Devasa, R. M., Gómez-Rodríguez, Carola, Crujeiras, R.M., Baselga, Andrés (To appear) . Assessing the non-linear decay of community similarity: permutation and site-block resampling significance tests Journal of Biogeography . Google Scholar

10) Martín Devasa, R. M., Gómez-Rodríguez, Carola, Crujeiras, R.M., Baselga, Andrés (To appear) . Species range size shapes distance-decay in community similarity Diversity and DistributionsWiley. . Google Scholar

11) Giráldez Suárez, P., Crujeiras, R.M., Fernández, J. Ángel, Aboal-Viñas, J.R. (To appear) . Establishment of background pollution levels and spatial analysis of moss data on a regional scale Science of the Total Environment . Google Scholar

12) Pico-Calvo, A., Nachón, D.J., Vieira-Lanero, R., Barca, S., Cobo, M.C., Crujeiras, R.M., Cobo Gradín, F. (To appear) . Application of Machine Learning Methodologies for Unravelling the Philopatry and Dispersal Range of Alosa Species in the Eastern European Atlantic Biology and Life Sciences Forum . Google Scholar

13) Almomani, A., Saavedra-Nieves, P., Barreiro, P., Durán, R., Crujeiras, R.M., Loureiro, M., Sánchez-Vila, E, (To appear) . "Application of choice models in Tourism Recommender Systems". Expert Systems . Google Scholar

14) Martín Devasa, R. M., Martínez Santalla, S., Gómez-Rodríguez, Carola, Crujeiras, R.M., Baselga, Andrés (To appear) . Comparing distance-decay parameters: a novel test under pairwise dependence Ecological Informatics . Google Scholar

15) Meilán-Vila, A., Crujeiras, R.M., Francisco-Fernández, M. (To appear) . Nonparametric estimation for a functional-circular regression model Statistical Papers . Google Scholar

16) Wu, Z., Euán, C., Crujeiras, R.M., Sun, Y. (To appear) . Estimation and clustering of directional wave spectra Journal of Agricultural and Biological Statistics . Google Scholar

17) Aboal-Somoza, M., Crujeiras, R.M. (To appear) . Misuse of Linear Regression Technique in Analytical Chemistry? The Journal of Chemical Education . Google Scholar

18) Vázquez-Mera, S., Martelo-Vidal, L., Miguéns-Suárez, P., Saavedra-Nieves, P., Arias, P., Antía Ferreiro-Pose, Juan Vázquez, Salgado, F. J., González-Barcala, F.J., Nieto-Fontarigo. J. J. (To appear) . "Exploring CD26-/lo subpopulations of lymphocytes in asthma phenotype and severity: a novel CD4+ T cell subset expressing archetypical granulocyte proteins ". Allergy, European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology . Google Scholar

19) Saavedra-Nieves, P., Fernández Pérez, M. (To appear) . "Directional density-based clustering". Advances in Data Analysis and Classification . Google Scholar

20) Bolon, D., Crujeiras, R.M., Rodríguez-Casal, A. (To appear) . A likelihood ratio test for circular multimodality Environmental and Ecological Statistics . Google Scholar

21) López Oriona, A., Sun, Y., Crujeiras, R.M. (To appear) . Fuzzy clustering of circular time series with applications to wind data EnvironmetricsWiley. . Google Scholar

22) Álvarez-Liébana, J., López Pérez, A.M., González-Manteiga, W., Febrero-Bande, M. (2025) . A goodness of fit test for functional time series with application to Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 203. ISSN: 0167-9473 . Google Scholar

23) López Pérez, A.M., Febrero-Bande, M., González-Manteiga, W. (2025) . Estimation and specification test for diffusion models with stochastic volatility Statistical Papers Vol. 66, 40. Springer. ISSN: 1613-9798 . Google Scholar

24) González-Pérez, I., Borrajo, M.I., González-Manteiga, W. (2025) . "Nonparametric testing of first-order structure in point processes on linear networks". Statistical PapersSpringer. ISSN: 0932-5026 . Google Scholar

25) Cholaquidis, A., Fraiman, R., Moreno, L., Pateiro-López, B. (2024) . Statistical analysis of measures of non-convexity TEST 33. pp. 180-203. . Google Scholar

26) Borrajo, M.I., González-Manteiga, W., Martínez-Miranda, M.D. (2024) . Goodness-of-fit test for point processes first-order intensity Computational Statistics and Data Analysis . Google Scholar

27) Ameijeiras-Alonso, J., I. Gijbels (2024) . Smoothed circulas: nonparametric estimation of circular cumulative distribution functions and circulas Bernoulli 30. pp. 2747-2769. ISSN: 1350-7265 . Google Scholar

28) Fanjul Hevia, A., Pardo Fernández, Juan Carlos, Van Keilegom, I., González-Manteiga, W. (2024) . "A test for comparison conditional ROC curves with multidimensional covariates". Journal of Applied Statistics 51 (1). Taylor&Francis. . Google Scholar

29) Febrero-Bande, M., Galeano, P., García-Portugués, Eduardo, González-Manteiga, W. (2024) . Testing for linearity in scalar-on-function regression with responses missing at random Computational Statistics 39-6. pp. 3405-3429. ISSN: 1613-9658 . Google Scholar

30) Saavedra Nieves, A., Saavedra-Nieves, P. (2024) . On the estimation of the core for TU games Expert Systems with Applications 245. pp. 123132. Elsevier. . Google Scholar

31) Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J.(2024) . Classification of galician surnames with web scraping Aplicações em R : encurtando distâncias nas ciênciaspp. 223-238. Alcoforado, Luciane Ferreira; Santos, João Paulo Martins dos; Levy, Ariel; Longo, Orlando Celso & Linares, Juan López. Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos. . Google Scholar

32) Ameijeiras-Alonso, J.(2024) . A reliable data-based smoothing parameter selection method for circular kernel estimation Statistics and Computing 34. pp. 1-13. Springer. ISSN: 0960-3174 . Google Scholar

33) Gil González-Rodríguez, Colubi, A., González-Manteiga, W., Febrero-Bande, M. (2024) . A consistent test of equality of distributions for Hilbert-valued random elements Journal of Multivariate Analysis 202. ISSN: 1095-7243 . Google Scholar

34) García Varela, S., Ramos, J.C., Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J., Castelo-Baz, P., Méndez Díaz, R., Anache D`Abate, M.A., Gancedo-Gancedo, T., Ruíz-Piñón, M., Mareque-Bueno, S., Martín Biedma, M. (2024) . Effect of dentin irrigants on push-out bond strength in resin cementation protocols for fiber post in endodontically treated teeth: an in vitro study Materials 17(6). . Google Scholar

35) Alonso-Pena, M., Claeskens, G., I. Gijbels (2024) . Nonparametric estimation of densities on the hypersphere using a parametric guide Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 51(3). pp. 956-986. Wiley. . Google Scholar

36) Novo Pérez, M.A., Rodríguez-Barreiro, M., Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J. (2024) . Mapas de Riesgo de Incendio en R Anais do Seminário Internacional de Estatística com R 5(2). pp. 1-5. VIII Seminário Internacional de Estatística com R (VIII SER) , Niterói, 03-06 jun 2024. ISSN: 2526-7299 . Google Scholar

37) Rodríguez-Barreiro, M., Novo Pérez, M.A., Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J. (2024) . Planificación Óptima de Medios de Extinción de Incendios Forestales Anais do Seminário Internacional de Estatística com R 5(2). pp. 1-5. VIII Seminário Internacional de Estatística com R (VIII SER) , Niterói, 03-06 jun 2024. ISSN: 2526-7299 . Google Scholar

38) Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J., Molina-Valero, J.A., Martínez Calvo, Adela, Novo Pérez, M.A., Álvarez-González, J.G., Montes-Pita, F., Pérez-Cruzado, C. (2024) . Operationalizing TLS in Forest Inventories: The R Package FORTLS Anais do Seminário Internacional de Estatística com R 5(2). pp. 1-5. VIII Seminário Internacional de Estatística com R (VIII SER) , Niterói, 03-06 jun 2024. ISSN: 2526-7299 . Google Scholar

39) Fernández-Pombo, A., Simsir, I.Y., Sánchez-Iglesias, S., Özen, S., Atik, T., Loidi, L., Apellido, A.I., Onay, H., Prado-Moraña, P., Adiyaman, C., Díaz-López, E.J., Altay, C., Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J., Baris, A., Araújo-Vilar, D. (2024) . A cohort analysis of familial partial lipodystrophy from two Mediterranean countries Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism pp. 1-12. Willey. ISSN: 1462-8902 . Google Scholar

40) Rosario Tourino-Peralba, David Lamas-Francis, Freijeiro González, L., Laura Martínez-Pérez, Teresa Rodríguez-Ares (2024) . Can the Location of the Iris Claw Lens Influence the Development and Timing of Pseudophakic Macular Edema? Clinical Ophthalmology 18. pp. 2637-2644. . Google Scholar

41) Fernández Sotelo, María Ángeles, Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J., Coladas Uria, Luis (2024) . Técnicas de Investigación Social 2024-2025 (DL C 1342-2024). USC. . Google Scholar

42) Alonso-Pena, M.(2024) . O conto das tres medidas Boletín de la SGAPEIO (Informest) 67. pp. 2-5. ISSN: 1695-7083 . Google Scholar

43) Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J.(2024) . XI XORNADA DE USUARIOS R EN GALICIA PROGRAMA E RESUMOSISBN: 978-84-09-66122-0 Editors: Ginzo-Villamayor, MJ. . Google Scholar

44) , Martínez-Miranda, M.D., Nielsen, J.P., Scholz, M. (2024) . Robustifying and simplifying high-dimensional regression with applications to yearly stock return and telematics data Financial Innovation 10:138. Springer Open. . Google Scholar

45) Chauca-Bajaña, L., Pérez-Jardón, A., Vieira E Silva, F.F., Conde Amboage M., Velásquez-Ron, B., Padín-Iruegas, M. E., Pérez-Sayans, M. (2024) . Root Coverage Techniques: Coronally Advancement Flap vs. Tunnel Technique: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Dentistry Journal 12. pp. 341. ISSN: 2304-6767 . Google Scholar

46) Febrero-Bande, M., Oviedo, M, Darbalaei, M., Morteza, A. (2024) . Functional regression models with functional response: a new approach and a comparative study Computational StatisticsSpringer. ISSN: 1613-9658 . Google Scholar

47) Cuesta-Albertos, JA, García-Portugués, Eduardo, Febrero-Bande, M., González-Manteiga, W. (2024) . Tests de bondad de ajuste para el modelo lineal funcional basados en proyecciones BEIO, Boletín de Estadística e Investigación Operativa 40-3. pp. 439-467. ISSN: 1889-3805 . Google Scholar

48) Bianco, A., Boente, G., Chebi, G. (2023) . " Asymptotic behaviour of penalized robust estimators in logistic regression when dimension increases". pp. 323-349. totic behaviour of penalized robust estimators in logistic regression when dimension increases. Robust and Multivariate Statistical Methods: Festschrift in Honour of David E. Tyler, Editors: M. Yi and K. Nordhausen, Springer. . Google Scholar

49) Conde Amboage M., Van Keilegom, I., González-Manteiga, W. (2023) . Application of Quantile Regression Models for Biomedical Data. In: Larriba, Y. (eds) Statistical Methods at the Forefront of Biomedical Advances. Springer, Cham. . Google Scholar

50) Ameijeiras-Alonso, J., Domingues, T.D., Malato, J., Grabowska, A.D., Lee, J.-S., Biecek, P., Graça, L., Mouriño, H., Scheibenbogen, C., Westermeier, F., Nacul, L., Cliff, J.M., Lacerda, E.M., Sepúlveda, N. (2023) . Association analysis between symptomology and herpesvirus IgG antibody concentrations in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and multiple sclerosis Heliyon 9. pp. e18250. CellPress. ISSN: 2405-8440 . Google Scholar

51) Alonso-Pena, M., I. Gijbels, Crujeiras, R.M. (2023) . Flexible joint modeling of mean and dispersion for the directional tuning of neuronal spike counts Biometrics 79 (4). pp. 2775-4019. . Google Scholar

52) Boente, G., Parada, D. (2023) . "Robust estimation for functional quadratic regression models". Computational Statistics & Data Analysispp. 107798. Elsevier Science Bv. ISSN: 0167-9473 . Google Scholar

53) Boente, G., Martínez, A.M. (2023) . A robust spline approach in partially linear additive models Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 178. pp. 107611. Elsevier Science Bv. ISSN: 0167-9473 . Google Scholar

54) Jácome, M. A., López Cheda, A., Aneiros Pérez, German, Carpente, L., Costa, J., Estévez Pérez, Graciela, Francisco-Fernández, M., Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J., González-Rueda, A. M., Malheiro, M.T., Muiños-Roca, M.C., Oviedo, M, Piñeiro Lamas, B., Presedo Quindimil, Manuel Antonio, Rodríguez-Fraguela, L.F. (2023) . ACTAS XVI Congreso Galego de Estatística e Investigación de Operacións e I Xornadas Innovación Docente na Estatística e Investigación de Operacións ISBN: 978-84-09-50202-8. Comité Organizador. Jácome-Pumar,M.A, López-Cheda, A., Aneiros-Pérez, G., Carpente-Rodríguez, M.L., Costa-Bouzas, J., Estévez-Pérez, G., Francisco- Fernández, M., Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J., González-Rueda, A.M., Malheiro, M.T., Muiños-Roca, M.C., Oviedo de l. . Google Scholar

55) Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J.(2023) . X XORNADA DE USUARIOS R EN GALICIA PROGRAMA E RESUMOSISBN: 978-84-09-55129-3 pp. 71. Editors: Ginzo-Villamayor, MJ. . Google Scholar

56) Mohamad-Kharib, A., Chamorro-Petronacci, C.M., Pérez-Jardón, A., Castelo-Baz, P., Martín Biedma, M., Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J., García-García, A. (2023) . "Staining Susceptibility of Microhybrid and Nanohybrid Composites on Exposure to Different Color Solutions". Applied Sciences 13. pp. 11211. MDPI. . Google Scholar

57) Fuentes-Santos, I., González-Manteiga, W., Mateu, J. (2023) . Testing similarity between first-order intensities of spatial point processes. A comparative study Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 52 Issue 5. pp. 2210-2230. Taylor and Francis. . Google Scholar

58) González-Manteiga, W., Martínez-Miranda, M.D., Van Keilegom, I. (2023) . Goodness-of-fit tests in proportional hazards models with random effects Biometrical Journal 65. Wiley. . Google Scholar

59) Alonso-Pena, M., Crujeiras, R.M. (2023) . Analyzing animal escape data with circular nonparametric multimodal regression Annals of Applied Statistics 17. pp. 130-152. ISSN: 1932-6157 . Google Scholar

60) González-Manteiga, W., Crujeiras, R.M., García-Portugués, Eduardo (2023) . A review of goodness-of-fit tests for models involving functional data TRENDS IN MATHEMATICAL, INFORMATION AND DATA SCIENCES: A TRIBUTE TO LEANDRO PARDOSpringer. . Google Scholar

61) Varela-Estevez, R., Castineiras-Tourino, M., Saavedra-Nieves, P., Vázquez-Quiñoy, C., Estany-Gestal, A. (2023) . "Ansiedad y depresión en matronas del Área de Santiago de Compostela durante la pandemia por la COVID-19". Matronas Profesión 24(1). pp. 4. ISSN: 1578-0740 . Google Scholar

62) Bianco, A., Boente, G. (2023) . "Addressing robust estimation in covariate–specific ROC curves". Econometrics and Statistics . Google Scholar

63) Vázquez-Mera, S., Martelo-Vidal, L., Miguéns-Suárez, P., Saavedra-Nieves, P., Arias, P., González-Fernández. C., Mosteiro-Añón, M., Corbacho-Abelaira, M. D., Blanco-Aparicio, M., Méndez-Brea, P., Salgado, F.J., Nieto-Fontarigo, J.J., González-Barcala, F.J. (2023) . "Serum exosome inflamma-miRs are surrogate biomarkers for asthma phenotype and severity". Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 78(1). pp. 141-155. . Google Scholar

64) Rodríguez Veiga, J., R Penas, David, González-Rueda, A. M., Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J. (2023) . Application of decomposition techniques in a wildfire suppression optimization model Optimization and Engineeringpp. 1-36. Springer. . Google Scholar

65) Bianco, A., Boente, G., González-Manteiga, W., Pérez González, Ana (2023) . "Estimators for ROC curves with missing biomarkers values and informative covariates". Statistical Methods & Applications . Google Scholar

66) Febrero-Bande, M., González-Manteiga, W., Prallon, B., Saporito, Y.F. (2023) . Functional Classification of Bitcoin Addresses Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 181. Elsevier. ISSN: 1872-7352 . Google Scholar

67) Ferrás-Sexto, C., Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J., García-Vázquez, Y. (2023) . "Analysis of Location and Spatial Distribution of Elderly Women Victims of Gender Violence". Social Sciences 12, Issue 2, 72. pp. 1-14. MDPI. . Google Scholar

68) Ameijeiras-Alonso, J., Crujeiras, R.M. (2023) . "Mutimodality tests for gene-based identification of oncological patients". Statistical Methods at the Forefront of Biomedical Advancespp. 45-61. Springer. . Google Scholar

69) Saavedra Nieves, A., Saavedra-Nieves, P. (2023) . "Estimation of bankruptcy rules with a priori unions for establishing new systems of quotas". BEIO 39(1). pp. 25-43. . Google Scholar

70) Freijeiro González, L., Febrero-Bande, M., González-Manteiga, W. (2023) . Novel specification tests for synchronous additive concurrent model formulation based on martingale difference divergence TESTSpringer Verlag. ISSN: 1133-0686 . Google Scholar

71) Ghaddar, B., Gómez-Casares, Ignacio, González-Díaz, J., González-Rodríguez, B., Pateiro-López, B., Rodríguez Ballesteros, S. (2023) . Learning for Spatial Branching: An Algorithm Selection Approach Informs Journal on Computing 35. pp. 1024-1043. INFORMS. ISSN: 1091-9856 . Google Scholar

72) Fuentes-Santos, I., González-Manteiga, W., Mateu, J. (2023) . Bootstrap bandwidth selection for the pair correlation function of inhomogeneous spatial point processes Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 93 Issue 18. pp. 3329-3361 . Taylor-Francis. . Google Scholar

73) Fernández-Pombo, A., Sánchez-Iglesias, S., Castro-Pais, A.I., Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J., Cobelo-Gómez, S., Prado-Moraña, P., Díaz-López, E.J., Casanueva-Freijo, F., Loidi, L., Araújo-Vilar, D. (2023) . Natural history and comorbidities of generalised and partial lipodystrophy syndromes in Spain Frontiers in Endocrinology 14. pp. 1-16. . Google Scholar

74) Alonso-Pena, M., Bolon, D., Ameijeiras-Alonso, J., Saavedra Nieves, A., Saavedra-Nieves, P. (2023) . Manual de R para prácticas de Bioestadística ISBN: 9788419679536. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. . Google Scholar

75) Bianco, A., Boente, G., González-Manteiga, W. (2022) . "Robust consistent estimators for ROC curves with covariates". Electronic Journal of Statistics 16. pp. 4133-4161. Institute of Mathematical Statistics. ISSN: 1935-752 . Google Scholar

76) Bianco, A., Boente, G., Chebi, G. (2022) . "Penalized robust estimators in sparse logistic regression". TEST 31. pp. 563-594. Springer Verlag. ISSN: 1133-0686 . Google Scholar

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78) Ameijeiras-Alonso, J., Ley, C. (2022) . Sine-skewed toroidal distributions and their application in protein bioinformatics Biostatistics 23 (3). pp. 685–704. Oxford Academic. ISSN: 1465-4644 . Google Scholar

79) Ameijeiras-Alonso, J., Crujeiras, R.M. (2022) . Flexible circular modeling: a case study of car accidents Directional Statistics for Innovative Applications: A Bicentennial Tribute to Florence Nightingalepp. 93-116. Springer. ISSN: 978981191 . Google Scholar

80) de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo, Moreira, C., Crujeiras, R.M. (2022) . The Statistical Analysis of Doubly Truncated Data: With Applications in RHoboken, NJ: Wiley. . Google Scholar

81) Saavedra-Nieves, P.(2022) . "Nonparametric estimation of highest density regions for COVID-19". Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 34(3). pp. 663-682. Taylor & Francis. . Google Scholar

82) Febrero-Bande, M., González-Manteiga, W., Oviedo, M (2022) . Prediction Models with Functional Data for Variables related with Energy Production Mathematics inspired by Applications. The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry 38. pp. 271-297. Springer. ISSN: 1612-3956 . Google Scholar

83) Dablanca-Blanco, A.B., Arias, A., Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J., Pérez, M.C., Castelo-Baz, P., Martín Biedma, M. (2022) . Influence of operator expertise on glide path and root canal preparation of curved root canals with rotary and reciprocating motions Australian Endodontic Journal 48(1). pp. 37-43. Wiley. . Google Scholar

84) Rodríguez-Casal, A., Saavedra-Nieves, P. (2022) . A data-adaptive method for estimating density level sets under shape conditions Annals of Statistics 50. pp. 1653-1668. ISSN: 0090-5364 . Google Scholar

85) Molina-Valero, J.A., Martínez Calvo, Adela, Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J., Novo Pérez, M.A., Álvarez-González, J.G., Montes-Pita, F., Pérez-Cruzado, C. (2022) . Operationalizing the use of TLS in forest inventories: The R package FORTLS Environmental Modelling and Software 150. pp. 1-18. Springer. ISSN: 1364-8152 . Google Scholar

86) Nieto-Codesido, I., Calvo-Álvarez, U., Diego, C., Hammouri, Z., Mallah, N., Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J., Salgado, F.J., Carreira, J.M., Rábade. C., Barbeito, G., González-Pérez, M.A., González-Barcala, F.J. (2022) . Risk factors of mortality in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 applying a Machine Learning Open Respiratory Archives 4(2). pp. 100162. Elsevier. ISSN: 2659-6636 . Google Scholar

87) Chantada-Vázquez, M.P., Conde Amboage M., Graña-López, L., Vázquez-Estévez, S., Bravo, S.B. , Núñez, C. (2022) . Circulating Proteins Associated with Response and Resistance to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in HER2-Positive Breast Cancer Cancers 14. MDPI. ISSN: 2072-6694 . Google Scholar

88) Ameijeiras-Alonso, J., I. Gijbels, Verhasselt, A. (2022) . On a family of two-piece circular distributions Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 168. pp. 107403. Elsevier Science Bv. ISSN: 0167-9473 . Google Scholar

89) Rodríguez-Barreiro, M., Novo Pérez, M.A., Vaamonde Rivas, M., Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J., Pérez-Porras, F. (2022) . Wildfire risk index: A modification of an index developed by ICONA in Galicia Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales 48(1). pp. 1-24. . Google Scholar

90) Pérez-Sayans, M., Castelo-Baz, P., Peñarrocha Oltra, D., Seijas Naya, F., Conde Amboage M., Somoza Martín, J.M. (2022) . Impact of abutment geometry on early implant marginal bone loss. A double-blind, randomised, 6-month clinical trial Clinical Oral Implants Research 33. pp. 1038 - 1048. Wiley Online Library. ISSN: 1600-0501 . Google Scholar

91) Lorenzo-Pouso, A.I., Bravo, S.B. , Carballo, J., Chantada-Vázquez, M.P., Bagán, J., Bagán, L., Chamorro-Petronacci, C.M., Conde Amboage M., López López, R., García-García, A., Pérez-Sayans, M. (2022) . Quantitative proteomics in medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: A proof-of-concept study Oral DiseasesWiley. ISSN: 1354-523X . Google Scholar

92) Ameijeiras-Alonso, J., Crujeiras, R.M., Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J., Rodríguez-Casal, A., Saavedra-Nieves, P. (2022) . ADISTA22: Advances in Directional Statistics. Santiago de Compostela15-17th June, 2022. Programme and Book of AbstractsISBN 978-84-19155-92-4 pp. 78. Servicio de Publicacións da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Editors: Ameijeiras-Alonso, J., Crujeiras, R.M., Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J., Rodríguez-Casal, A., Saavedra-Nieves, P.. . Google Scholar

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