

Department: Statistics and Operative Research
University: UVIGO
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65 publications were found.

1) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I.; Meca, A. and Mosquera, M. A. (2024). Evaluating the impact of items and cooperation in inventory models with exemptable ordering costs International Journal of Production Economics Vol. 269, pp. 109151 Google Scholar

2) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. and Saavedra Nieves, A. (2024). On the least square prenucleolus for games with externalities Optimization Letters Google Scholar

3) Saavedra Nieves, A.; Mosquera, M. A. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2024). Sequencing situations with position-dependent effects under cooperation International Transactions in Operational Research Google Scholar

4) González-Díaz, J.; García-Jurado, I. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2023). An Introductory Course on Mathematical Game Theory and Applications. Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 238. American Mathematical Society Google Scholar

5) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Álvarez-Mozos, M.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. and Jiménez-Losada, A. (2022). On convexity in cooperative games with externalities Economic Theory Vol. 74, pp. 265–292 Google Scholar

6) Saavedra Nieves, A. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2022). Analysis of the impact of DMUs on the overall efficiency in the event of a merger Expert Systems with Applications Vol. 195 Google Scholar

7) Schouten, J.; Saavedra Nieves, A. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2021). Sequencing situations and games with non-linear cost functions under optimal order consistency European Journal of Operational Research Vol. (to appear) Google Scholar

8) Saavedra Nieves, A. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2021). Sampling methods to estimate the Banzhaf-Owen value Annals of Operations Research Vol. 301, pp. 199–223 Google Scholar

9) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Álvarez-Mozos, M.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. and Jiménez-Losada, A. (2021). Marginality and convexity and partition function form games Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Vol. 94, pp. 1-23 Google Scholar

10) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I.; Meca, A. and Mosquera, M. A. (2020). On benefits of cooperation under strategic power Annals of Operations Research Vol. 288, pp. 285-306 Google Scholar

11) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Álvarez-Mozos, M.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. and Jiménez-Losada, A. (2019). Complete null agent for games with externalities Expert Systems with Applications Vol. 135, pp. 1-11 Google Scholar

12) Saavedra Nieves, A.; García-Jurado, I. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2018). On coalition formation in a non-convex multi-agent inventory problem Annals of Operations Research Vol. 261, pp. 255-273 Google Scholar

13) Saavedra Nieves, A.; García-Jurado, I. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2018). Placing joint orders when holding costs are negligible and shortages are not allowed In: Game Theory in Management Accounting: Implementing Incentives and Fairness. (Mueller, D.; Trost, R., Eds.) (pp. 349-360). Springer Google Scholar

14) Saavedra Nieves, A.; García-Jurado, I. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2018). Estimation of the Owen Value Based on Sampling In: The Mathematics of the Uncertain. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (pp. 347-356). Springer Google Scholar

15) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Álvarez-Mozos, M.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. and Jiménez-Losada, A. (2017). Some structural properties of a lattice of embedded coalitions International Journal of General Systems Vol. 46, pp. 46 (2), 123-143 Google Scholar

16) Estévez-Fernández, A.; Borm, P.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; Mosquera, M. A. and Sánchez, E. (2017). On the 1-nucleolus Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Vol. 86, pp. 309-329 Google Scholar

17) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Álvarez-Mozos, M. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2017). Power indices and minimal winning coalitions for simple games in partition function form Group Decision and Negotiation Vol. 26, pp. 1231–1245 Google Scholar

18) Álvarez-Mozos, M.; Alonso-Meijide, J. M. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2017). On the externality free Shapley Shubik index Games and Economic Behavior Vol. 105, pp. 148-154 Google Scholar

19) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; Gallardo, J. M.; Jiménez-Losada, A. and Mosquera, M. A. (2016). Cooperative games and coalition cohesion indices: the Choquet-Owen value IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems Vol. 24, pp. 444-455 Google Scholar

20) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I.; Meca, A. and Mosquera, M. A. (2015). Cooperation on capacitated inventory situations with fixed holding costs European Journal of Operational Research Vol. 241, pp. 719-726 Google Scholar

21) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Casas-Méndez, B. V. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2015). Computing Banzhaf-Coleman and Shapley-Shubik power indices with incompatible players Applied Mathematics and Computation Vol. 252, pp. 377-387 Google Scholar

22) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Álvarez-Mozos, M. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2015). The Least Square Nucleolus is a Normalized Banzhaf Value Optimization Letters Vol. 9, pp. 1393-1399 Google Scholar

23) Sánchez, E.; Borm, P.; Estévez-Fernández, A.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. and Mosquera, M. A. (2015). k-core covers and the core Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Vol. 81, pp. 147-167 Google Scholar

24) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I.; Meca, A. and Mosquera, M. A. (2014). Centralized inventory in a farming community Journal of Business Economics Vol. 84, pp. 983-997 Google Scholar

25) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Casas-Méndez, B. V. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2013). A review of some recent results on power indices (a reissue) In: Power, Voting, and Voting Power: 30 Years After (Holler, M. J. and Nurmi, H. Eds.) (pp. 233-247). Springer Google Scholar

26) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I.; Meca, A. and Mosquera, M. A. (2013). A new cost allocation rule for inventory transportation systems Operations Research Letters Vol. 41, pp. 449-453 Google Scholar

27) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Casas-Méndez, B. V.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; Holler, M. J. and Nohn, A. (2013). Coalition configurations and the public good index (a reissue) In: Power, Voting, and Voting Power: 30 Years After (pp. 303-315). Springer Google Scholar

28) Casas-Méndez, B. V.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I. and González-Díaz, J. (2012 (Primera reimpresión: febrero de 2016)). Introducción a la Teoría de Juegos. ISBN: 978-84-9887-913-1. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Google Scholar

29) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I.; Meca, A. and Mosquera, M. A. (2012). Cost allocation in inventory transportation systems TOP Vol. 20, pp. 397-410 Google Scholar

30) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Álvarez-Mozos, M. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2012). Notes on a comment on 2-efficiency and the Banzhaf value Applied Mathematics Letters Vol. 25, pp. 1098-1100 Google Scholar

31) Estévez-Fernández, A.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; Mosquera, M. A. and Sánchez, E. (2012). A bankruptcy approach to the core cover Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Vol. 76, pp. 343-359 Google Scholar

32) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Casas-Méndez, B. V.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; Holler, M. J. and Nohn, A. (2012). Coalition configurations and the Public Good Index Homo Oeconomicus Vol. 29(3), pp. 313-327 Google Scholar

33) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Casas-Méndez, B. V.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. and Holler, M. J. (2011). The Deegan-Packel index for simple games with a priori unions Quality & Quantity Vol. 45, pp. 425-439 Google Scholar

34) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I.; Meca, A. and Mosquera, M. A. (2011). Cooperative game theory and inventory management European Journal of Operational Research Vol. 210, pp. 459-466 Google Scholar

35) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Casas-Méndez, B. V. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2011). A review of some recent results on power indices Homo Oeconomicus Vol. 28, pp. 143-160 Google Scholar

36) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I. and Mosquera, M. A. (2011). Cooperative games and cost allocation problems TOP Vol. 19, pp. 1-22 Google Scholar

37) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. and García-Jurado, I. (2011). A New Power Index for Spatial Games In: Modern Mathematical Tools and Techniques in Capturing Complexity (pp. 275-285). Springer Series in Synergetics Google Scholar

38) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Casas-Méndez, B. V.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. and Holler, M. J. (2010). Two variations of the Public Good Index for simple games with a priori unions Control and Cybernetics Vol. 39, pp. 839-855 Google Scholar

39) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Casas-Méndez, B. V.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; Holler, M. J. and Nohn, A. (2010). Axiomatizations of Public Good Indices with A Priori Unions Social Choice and Welfare Vol. 35, pp. 517-533 Google Scholar

40) González-Díaz, J.; García-Jurado, I. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2010). An introductory course on mathematical game theory. Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 115. American Mathematical Society Google Scholar

41) Kleppe, J.; Hendrickx, R.; Borm, P.; García-Jurado, I. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2010). Transfers, contracts and stategic games TOP Vol. 18, pp. 481-492 Google Scholar

42) Quant, M.; Borm, P.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. and Megen, F. van (2009). On properness and protectiveness in two-person multicriteria games Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Vol. 140, pp. 499-512 Google Scholar

43) Borm, P.; Estévez-Fernández, A. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2009). Competitive environments and protective behavior Games and Economic Behavior Vol. 67, pp. 245-252 Google Scholar

44) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Álvarez-Mozos, M. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2009). Values of games with graph restricted communication and a priori unions Mathematical Social Sciences Vol. 58, pp. 202-213 Google Scholar

45) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. and Mosquera, M. A. (2009). Sharing costs in airport and highway problems Boletín de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (BEIO) Vol. 25, pp. 97-108 Google Scholar

46) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Álvarez-Mozos, M. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2009). The Banzhaf value when some players are incompatible Homo Oeconomicus Vol. 26, pp. 403-415 Google Scholar

47) García-Sanz, M. D.; Fernández, F. R.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I. and Puerto, J. (2008). Cooperation in markovian queueing models European Journal of Operational Research Vol. 188, pp. 485-495 Google Scholar

48) Mosquera, M. A.; García-Jurado, I. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2008). A note on coalitional manipulation and centralized inventory management Annals of Operations Research Vol. 158, pp. 183-188 Google Scholar

49) Mosquera, M. A.; Borm, P.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I. and Voorneveld, M. (2008). Characterizing cautious choice Mathematical Social Sciences Vol. 55, pp. 143-155 Google Scholar

50) Lorenzo-Freire, S.; Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Casas-Méndez, B. V. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2007). Characterizations of the Deegan-Packel and Johnston power indices European Journal of Operational Research Vol. 177, pp. 431-444 Google Scholar

51) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Carreras, F.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. and Owen, G. (2007). A comparative axiomatic characterization of the Banzhaf-Owen coalitional value Decision Support Systems Vol. 43, pp. 701-712 Google Scholar

52) Alonso-Meijide, J. M. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2006). The Banzhaf value and communication situations Naval Research Logistics Vol. 53, pp. 198-203 Google Scholar

53) Alonso-Meijide, J. M.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. and Carreras, F. (2005). The multilinear extension and the symmetric coalition Banzhaf value Theory and Decision Vol. 59, pp. 111-126 Google Scholar

54) Fernández, F. R.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I. and Puerto, J. (2005). Competition and cooperation in non-centralized linear production games Annals of Operations Research Vol. 137, pp. 91-100 Google Scholar

55) Estévez-Fernández, A. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2004). On the properties of several refinements of optimal solutions in linear programming Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Vol. 122, pp. 41-62 Google Scholar

56) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; Klijn, F. and Sánchez, E. (2004). Manipulation of optimal matchings via predonation of endowment Mathematical Social Sciences Vol. 47, pp. 295-312 Google Scholar

57) Fernández, F. R.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I. and Puerto, J. (2003). On the allocation of excesses of resources in linear production problems In: Operations Research Proceedings 2002 (pp. 465-470). U. Leopold-Wildburguer, F. Rendl and G. Wäscher (eds.). Springer Verlag Google Scholar

58) Alonso-Meijide, J. M. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (2002). Modification of the Banzhaf value for games with a coalition structure Annals of Operations Research Vol. 109, pp. 213-227 Google Scholar

59) Borm, P.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; Hamers, H.; Sánchez, E. and Voorneveld, M. (2002). On the convexity of games corresponding to sequencing situations in due dates European Journal of Operational Research Vol. 136, pp. 616-634 Google Scholar

60) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; García-Jurado, I. and Puerto, J. (2000). The concept of proper solution in linear programming Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Vol. 106, pp. 511-525 Google Scholar

61) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; Borm, P. and Megen, F. van (1998). Protective and prudent behaviour in games Journal of Economic Theory Vol. 78, pp. 167-175 Google Scholar

62) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. and García-Jurado, I. (1997). Perfectly almost strict equilibria for finite games in strategic form Mathematical Social Sciences Vol. 33, pp. 269-276 Google Scholar

63) Prada-Sánchez, J. M.; García-Jurado, I.; González-Manteiga, W.; Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G.; Espada Ríos, M.I. and Lucas Domínguez, Tomás (1993). Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Precipitation Chemistry in Northwestern Spain Water, Air and Soil Pollution. An International Journal of Environmental Pollution Vol. 69, pp. 37-55. Springer Google Scholar

64) Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. and García-Jurado, I. (1991). A new geometric approach to bimatrix games Qüestiió Vol. 15, pp. 299-306 Google Scholar

65) González-Manteiga, W.; García-Jurado, I.; Prada-Sánchez, J. M. and Fiestras-Janeiro, M. G. (1990). Dependence between fusion temperatures and chemical components of a certain type of coal using classical, nonparametric and bootstrap techniques Journal of Chemometrics Vol. 4, 6, pp. 429-440. John Wiley & Sons Ltd Google Scholar