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Atopáronse 27 rexistros.

1) Fernández Sotelo, María Ángeles; Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J. and Coladas Uria, Luis (2024). Técnicas de Investigación Social 2024-2025 (DL C 1342-2024). . USC Google Scholar

2) Fernández Sotelo, María Ángeles and Coladas Uria, Luis (2023). Técnicas de Investigación Social 2022-2023 (DL: C 1166-2023). . USC Google Scholar

3) Coladas Uria, Luis and Fernández Sotelo, María Ángeles (2022). Técnicas de Investigación Social 2022-2023 (ISBN: 978-84-09-42400-9). . USC Google Scholar

4) Coladas Uria, Luis and Fernández Sotelo, María Ángeles (2021). Técnicas de Investigación Social 2021-2022 (ISBN: 978-84-09-32960-1). . USC Google Scholar

5) Coladas Uria, Luis and Fernández Sotelo, María Ángeles (2020). Técnicas de Investigación Social 2020-2021 (ISBN: 978-84-09-22069-4). . USC Google Scholar

6) Coladas Uria, Luis and Fernández Sotelo, María Ángeles (2019). Técnicas de Investigación Social 2019-2020 (ISBN: 978-84-09-13781-7). . USC Google Scholar

7) Espasandín Domínguez, J.; Carollo Limeres, María del Carmen; Coladas Uria, Luis; Cadarso Suárez, Carmen María; Lado Baleato, O. and Gude-Sampedro, F. (2018). "Bivariate Copula Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape with Applications in Biomedicine". In: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (pp. 135-146). Springer Google Scholar

8) Coladas Uria, Luis and Fernández Sotelo, María Ángeles (2018). Técnicas de Investigación Social 2018-2019 (ISBN: 978-84-09-03930-2). . USC Google Scholar

9) Coladas Uria, Luis and Fernández Sotelo, María Ángeles (2017). Técnicas de Investigación Social (ISBN: 978-84-697-5686-7). . USC Google Scholar

10) Coladas Uria, Luis and Fernández Sotelo, María Ángeles (2016). Técnicas de Investigación Social (ISBN: 978-84-617-4173-1). . USC Google Scholar

11) Coladas Uria, Luis and Fernández Sotelo, María Ángeles (2015). Técnicas de Investigación Social. . USC. ISBN: 978-84-608-2178-6 Google Scholar

12) Coladas Uria, Luis; Meng, Xiaoge; Wang, Shou-Yang; Y. X. Zhao and Qiao, Han (2014). Characterizations of semi-prequasi-invexity Journal of Systems Science and Complexity Vol. 27, pp. 1008-1026 Google Scholar

13) Coladas Uria, Luis and Fernández Sotelo, María Ángeles (2014). Técnicas de Investigación Social. . USC. ISBN: 978-84-943003-3-3-3-4 Google Scholar

14) Coladas Uria, Luis and Fernández Sotelo, María Ángeles (2013). Técnicas de Investigación Social. . Meubook. ISBN: 978-84-941723-8-0 Google Scholar

15) Wang, M; Liu; Wang, Shou-Yang and Coladas Uria, Luis (2012). An Equilibrium Bid Markup Strategy International Journal of Information Processing and Management (IJIPM) Vol. 3, pp. 7-13 Google Scholar

16) Fernández Sotelo, María Ángeles; Coladas Uria, Luis and Iglesias Patiño, Carlos Luis (2012). Técnicas de Investigación Social. . Meubook. ISBN: 978-84-940469-8-4 Google Scholar

17) Y. X. Zhao; Wang, Shou-Yang; Coladas Uria, Luis and Mishra, S.K. (2011). "A Derivative for Semi-preinvex Functions and its Applications in Semi-preinvex Programming". In: Topics in Nonconvex Optimization (pp. 79-86). Springer Google Scholar

18) Coladas Uria, Luis; Fernández Sotelo, María Ángeles and Iglesias Patiño, Carlos Luis (2011). Técnicas de Investigación Social. . Unidixital. ISBN: 978-84-615-4625-1 Google Scholar

19) Y. X. Zhao; Wang, Shou-Yang and Coladas Uria, Luis (2010). Characterizations of r-Convex Functions Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Vol. 145, pp. 186-195 Google Scholar

20) Coladas Uria, Luis; Fernández Sotelo, María Ángeles and Iglesias Patiño, Carlos Luis (2010). Técnicas de Investigación Social. . Unidixital. ISBN: 978-84-693-6783-4 Google Scholar

21) Dong, H; Gong, X; Wang, Shou-Yang and Coladas Uria, Luis (2003). S-Strictly Quasi-Concave Vector Maximization Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society Vol. 67, pp. 429-443 Google Scholar

22) Yang, F; Wang, Shou-Yang; Yu, M and Coladas Uria, Luis (2003). L-Matrices and Solvability of Linear Complementarity Problems by a Linear Program TOP Vol. 11, pp. 95-107 Google Scholar

23) Coladas Uria, Luis; Wang, Shou-Yang and Zhu, Shu-Shang (2001). Two theorems on multilevel programming problems with dominated objective functions Applied Mathematics Letters Vol. 14, nº 8., pp. 927-932. Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd Google Scholar

24) Coladas Uria, Luis; Wang, Shou-Yang and Li, Zhongfei (1998). Super efficiency in vector optimization of set-valued maps Progress in Natural Science Vol. 8, nº 6, pp. 665-671. Elsevier Science Inc Google Scholar

25) Coladas Uria, Luis; Li, Zhongfei and Wang, Shou-Yang (1996). Two types of duality in multiobjective fractional programming Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society Vol. 54, nº 1, pp. 99-114. Australian Mathematics Publ Assoc Inc Google Scholar

26) Coladas Uria, Luis; Wang, Shou-Yang and Wang, Qian (1996). A stability theorem in nonlinear bilevel programming Qüestiió Vol. 20, nº 2, pp. 215-222. Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya Google Scholar

27) Coladas Uria, Luis; Li, Zhongfei and Wang, Shou-Yang (1994). Optimality conditions for multiobjective and nonsmooth minimisation in abstract spaces Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society Vol. 50, nº 2, pp. 205-218. Australian Mathematics Publ Assoc Inc Google Scholar