9 ofertas de empleo en Estadística en la Universidad de Warwick, (UK), en el Departamento de Estadística
La fecha límite para envío de currículums es el 14 de Noviembre de 2012
The currently-open positions listed below arise from Warwick's further investment in Statistics and the Department's success in attracting students and winning research funds. It is an opportunity to be part of one of the most prominent and most research-active departments of Statistics and we currently have openings at all levels:
-- PROFESSOR OF STATISTICS. Preferred research fields: statistical methodology, large and/or complex applications, computational statistics, statistical methods for finance or insurance, stochastic finance.
-- PROFESSOR OR READER IN STATISTICS. Associated with MASDOC. Any research area(s) in probability or statistics; research links with applied mathematics especially welcomed.
-- READER IN STATISTICS. Preferred research fields: stochastic finance, statistical methods for finance or insurance.
-- ASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IN STATISTICS. Any research area(s) in probability or statistics.
-- ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN STATISTICS. Preferred research fields: statistical methodology, large and/or complex applications, computational statistics, statistical methods for finance or insurance, stochastic finance.
-- ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN STATISTICS AND COMPLEXITY. Research in any area(s) of interest to both the Department of Statistics and the Centre for Complexity Science.
-- HARRISON EARLY CAREER ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN STATISTICS (fixed term, 3 years). Any research area(s) in probability or statistics.
-- CRiSM POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOW IN STATISTICS (fixed term, 3 years). Any research area(s) within the scope of the Centre for Research in Statistical Methodology. Funded by EPSRC.
-- WARWICK STATISTICS POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOW (fixed term, 3 years). Any research area(s) in probability or statistics.
For further details, please see http://warwick.ac.uk/statjobs
Enquiries to Professor David Firth (stats.hod@warwick.ac.uk) or any other senior member of the Department.