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Últimos artículos publicados

1) Febrero-Bande, M., Galeano, P., García-Portugués, Eduardo, González-Manteiga, W. (To appear). Testing for linearity in scalar-on-function regression with responses missing at random Computational Statistics Google Scholar
2) Febrero-Bande, M., Galeano, P., González-Manteiga, W. (2019). Estimation, imputation and prediction for the functional linear model with scalar response with responses missing at random Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 131. pp. 91--103. Elsevier Google Scholar
3) Febrero-Bande, M., Galeano, P., González-Manteiga, W. (2017). Functional Principal Component Regression and Functional Partial Least--squares Regression: An Overview and a Comparative Study International Statistical Review. 85(1). pp. 61-83. Wiley Google Scholar
4) Galeano, P., Virbickaite, A., Ausin, M. C. (2015). "Bayesian inference methods for univariate and multivariate GARCH models: a survey". Journal of Economic Surveys. 29. pp. 76-96 Google Scholar
5) Galeano, P., Joseph, E., Lillo, R.E. (2015). "The Mahalanobis distance for functional data with applications to classification". Technometrics. Forthcoming. Amer Statistical Assoc Google Scholar
6) Galeano, P., Virbickaite, A., Ausin, M. C. (2015). "A Bayesian Non-parametric approach to Asymmetric Dynamic Conditional Correlation model with applications to portfolio selection". Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. Forthcoming Google Scholar