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Últimos artículos publicados

1) de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo, Moreira, C., Crujeiras, R.M. (2022). The Statistical Analysis of Doubly Truncated Data: With Applications in R . Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Google Scholar
2) de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo, Amorim, A.P. (2011). "A semiparametric estimator of the bivariate distribution function for censored gap times". Biometrical Journal. 53. pp. 113-127. Wiley-V C H Verlag Gmbh Google Scholar
3) Liang, Han-Ying, de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo (2011). "Wavelet estimation of conditional density with truncated, censored and dependent data". Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 102. pp. 448-467. Elsevier Inc Google Scholar
4) Amorim, A.P., de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo, Meira-Machado, L. (2011). "Presmoothing the transition probabilities in the illness-death model". Statistics & Probability Letters (Special Issue: Statistics in Biological and Medical Sciences) . 81. pp. 797-806. Elsevier Science Bv Google Scholar
5) de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo(2011). "On the statistical properties of SGoF multitesting method". Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology. 10, Iss. 1, Article 18. Berkeley Electronic Press Google Scholar
6) Van Keilegom, I., de Uña Álvarez, Jacobo, Meira-Machado, L. (2011). "Nonparametric location-scale models for censored successive survival times". Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference . 141. pp. 1118-1131. Elsevier Science Bv Google Scholar