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Dirección: | Facultad de Matemáticas Rúa Lope Gómez de Marzoa s/n. CP: 15782 Santiago de Compostela - A Coruña (Campus Vida) |
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Se han encontrado 83 registros.
1) Álvarez-Liébana, J.; López Pérez, A.M.; González-Manteiga, W. and Febrero-Bande, M.
(2025). A goodness of fit test for functional time series with application to Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes Computational Statistics and Data Analysis Vol. 203 |
2) López Pérez, A.M.; Febrero-Bande, M. and González-Manteiga, W.
(2025). Estimation and specification test for diffusion models with stochastic volatility Statistical Papers Vol. Vol. 66, 40 |
3) Febrero-Bande, M.; Galeano, P.; García-Portugués, Eduardo and González-Manteiga, W.
(2024). Testing for linearity in scalar-on-function regression with responses missing at random Computational Statistics Vol. 39-6, pp. 3405-3429 |
4) Gil González-Rodríguez; Colubi, A.; González-Manteiga, W. and Febrero-Bande, M.
(2024). A consistent test of equality of distributions for Hilbert-valued random elements Journal of Multivariate Analysis Vol. 202 |
5) Febrero-Bande, M.; Oviedo, M; Darbalaei, M. and Morteza, A.
(2024). Functional regression models with functional response: a new approach and a comparative study Computational Statistics |
6) Cuesta-Albertos, JA; García-Portugués, Eduardo; Febrero-Bande, M. and González-Manteiga, W.
(2024). Tests de bondad de ajuste para el modelo lineal funcional basados en proyecciones BEIO, Boletín de Estadística e Investigación Operativa Vol. 40-3, pp. 439-467 |
7) Febrero-Bande, M.; González-Manteiga, W.; Prallon, B. and Saporito, Y.F.
(2023). Functional Classification of Bitcoin Addresses Computational Statistics and Data Analysis Vol. 181 |
8) Freijeiro González, L.; Febrero-Bande, M. and González-Manteiga, W.
(2023). Novel specification tests for synchronous additive concurrent model formulation based on martingale difference divergence TEST |
9) Febrero-Bande, M.; González-Manteiga, W. and Oviedo, M
(2022). Prediction Models with Functional Data for Variables related with Energy Production In: Mathematics inspired by Applications. The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (pp. 271-297). Springer |
10) Febrero-Bande, M.; Ordoñez-Mayán, L.; Cordeiro, C.; Vieira, D.N. and Muñoz Barús, JI
(2022). IPMICALC: an Integrated Post-mortem Interval Calculator Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology |
11) Carreiro da Cunha, E.; Ordoñez-Mayán, L.; Rodríguez-Vázquez, ML; Vieira, D.N.; Febrero-Bande, M. and Muñoz Barús, JI
(2022). The biochemistry of the vitreous in estimating the post-mortem interval--a review of the literature, and use in forensic practice in Galicia (northwestern Spain) Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology |
12) López Pérez, A.M.; Febrero-Bande, M. and González-Manteiga, W.
(2021). Parametric Estimation of Diffusion Processes: A Review and Comparative Study Mathematics Vol. 9, pp. 859 |
13) Freijeiro González, L.; Febrero-Bande, M. and González-Manteiga, W.
(2021). A critical review of LASSO and its derivatives for variable selection under dependence among covariates International Statistical Review Vol. 90, pp. 118– 145 |
14) Ave, Mauro T.; Ordoñez-Mayán, L.; Camiña M.; Febrero-Bande, M. and Muñoz Barús, JI
(2021). Estimation of the post-mortem interval: Effect of storage conditions on the determination of vitreous humour [K+] Science & Justice Vol. 61, Issue 5, pp. 597--602 |
15) Calvo de Anta, R.; Luís, E.; Febrero-Bande, M.; Galiñanes, J.; Macías, F.; Ortíz, R. and Casás, F.
(2020). Soil organic carbon in peninsular Spain: Influence of environmental factors and spatial distribution Geoderma Vol. 370 |
16) Ateba, FF; Sagara, I; Sogoba, N; Touré, M; Konaté, D; Diawara, SI; Diakité, SAS; Diarra, A; Coulibaly, MD; Dolo, M; Dolo, A; Sacko, A; Thiam, SM; Sissako, A; Sangaré, L; Diakité, M; Koita, OA; Cissoko, M; Traore, SF; Winch, PJ; Febrero-Bande, M.; Shaffer, JG; Krogtad, DJ; Marker, HC; Doumbia, S and Gaudart, J
(2020). Spatio-Temporal Dynamic of Malaria Incidence: A Comparison of Two Ecological Zones in Mail International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Vol. 17(13), 4698 |
17) Ateba, FF; Febrero-Bande, M.; Sagara, I; Sogoba, N; Touré, M; Sanogo, D.; Diarra, A; Ngitah, AM; Winch, PJ; Shaffer, JG; Krogtad, DJ; Marker, HC; Gaudart, J and Doumbia, S
(2020). Predicting Malaria Transmission Dynamics in Dangassa, Mali: A Novel Approach using Functional Generalized Additive Models International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Vol. 17(17) 6339 |
18) Cuesta-Albertos, JA; García-Portugués, Eduardo; Febrero-Bande, M. and González-Manteiga, W.
(2019). Goodness-of-fit tests for the functional linear model based on randomly projected empirical processes Annals of Statistics Vol. 47, Nº 1, pp. 439-467 |
19) Febrero-Bande, M.; Galeano, P. and González-Manteiga, W.
(2019). Estimation, imputation and prediction for the functional linear model with scalar response with responses missing at random Computational Statistics and Data Analysis Vol. 131, pp. 91--103 |
20) Febrero-Bande, M.; González-Manteiga, W. and Oviedo, M
(2019). Variable selection in Functional Additive Regression Models Computational Statistics Vol. 34, pp. 469-487 |
21) Cordeiro, C.; Ordoñez-Mayán, L.; Lendoiro, E.; Febrero-Bande, M.; Vieira, D.N. and Muñoz Barús, JI
(2019). A reliable method for estimating the postmortem interval from the biochemistry of the vitreous humor, temperature and body weight Forensic Science International Vol. 295, pp. 157-168 |
22) Fernández-Delgado, M.; Sirsat, MS; Cernadas, E.; Alawadi, S.; Barro, S. and Febrero-Bande, M.
(2019). An extensive experimental survey of regression methods Neural Networks Vol. 111, pp. 11--34 |
23) Oviedo, M; Febrero-Bande, M.; Muñoz, MP and Domínguez, A.
(2018). Predicting seasonal influenza transmission using functional regression models with temporal dependence PloS One Vol. 13 (4), pp. 1-18 |
24) Carballeira, R.; Vieira, D.N.; Febrero-Bande, M. and Muñoz Barús, JI
(2018). A valid method to determine the site of drowning International Journal Legal Medicine Vol. 132(2), pp. 487--497 |
25) Lloret-Caulonga, L.; Bartolomé-Lozano, J.L.; Febrero-Bande, M.; Ginzo-Villamayor, M.J.; Martínez-Diz, P.; Díaz-Losada, E. and Gramaje-Pérez, D.
(2018). Grupo operativo EVID: prácticas innovadoras para combatir las enfermedades de la madera de la vid Internet Journal of Viticulture and Enology Vol. 11(3), pp. 1-4 |
26) Amhaz-Escanlar, S.; Jorge-Mora, A.; Jorge-Mora, T; Febrero-Bande, M. and Diez-Ulloa, MA
(2018). Proposal for a new trajectory for subaxial cervical lateral mass screws. European Spine Journal Vol. 27 (11), pp. 2738--2744 |
27) González-Manteiga, W.; Febrero-Bande, M. and Piñeiro-Lamas, M.
(2018). Semiparametric prediction models for variables related with energy production Journal of Mathematics in Industry Vol. 8 (7), pp. 1--16 |
28) Febrero-Bande, M.; Galeano, P. and González-Manteiga, W.
(2017). Functional Principal Component Regression and Functional Partial Least--squares Regression: An Overview and a Comparative Study International Statistical Review Vol. 85(1), pp. 61-83 |
29) Cuesta-Albertos, JA; Febrero-Bande, M. and Oviedo, M
(2017). The DD^G-classifier in the functional setting TEST Vol. 26, pp. 119-142 |
30) González-Manteiga, W.; Febrero-Bande, M. and Piñeiro-Lamas, M.
(2017). Semiparametric Prediction Models for Variables Related with Energy Production In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2016 (pp. 3-15). Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-63082-3 |
31) González-Manteiga, W.; Zubelli, J.; Monsalve-Cobis, Abelardo E. and Febrero-Bande, M.
(2017). "Goodness of Fit Test for Stochastic Volatility Models". In: (pp. 89-104). From Statistics to Mathematical Finance. Festschrift in Honour of Winfried Stute. Springer |
32) Febrero-Bande, M.; González-Manteiga, W. and Oviedo, M
(2017). Variable selection in Functional Additive Regression Models In: Functional Statistics and Related Fields (pp. 113-122). Springer, Cham. |
33) Febrero-Bande, M.
(2016). Comments on: Probability enhanced effective dimension reduction for classifying sparse functional data TEST Vol. 25(1), pp. 35-40 |
34) Ordoñez-Mayán, L.; Represas, C.; Miguens, X.; Rodríguez-Calvo, M.S.; Febrero-Bande, M. and Muñoz Barús, JI
(2015). How reliable is the Spanish bodily harm assessment scale? Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine Vol. 32, pp. 16--20 |
35) García-Portugués, Eduardo; González-Manteiga, W. and Febrero-Bande, M.
(2014). A goodness-of-fit test for the functional linear model with scalar response Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics Vol. 23, pp. 761-778 |
36) Rodríguez, S.; González, A.; Simón, A.; Rodríguez-Calvo, M.S.; Febrero-Bande, M.; Cordeiro, C. and Muñoz Barús, JI
(2014). The use of computerized tomography in determining stature and sex from metatarsal bones Legal Medicine Vol. 16(5), pp. 252-257 |
37) Febrero-Bande, M. and Oviedo, M
(2014). "Functional Regression Models with Temporal and/or Spatial Dependence". In: Contributions in infinite-dimensional statistics and related topics (pp. 107-112). Società Editrice Esculapio |
38) Febrero-Bande, M. and González-Manteiga, W.
(2013). Generalized Additive Models for Functional Data TEST Vol. 22, 2, pp. 278-292 |
39) Rodríguez, S.; Miguens, X.; Rodríguez-Calvo, M.S.; Febrero-Bande, M. and Muñoz Barús, JI
(2013). Estimating adult stature from radiographically determined metatarsal length in a Spanish population Forensic Science International Vol. 226, 1-3 , pp. 297.e1-297.e4 |
40) Febrero-Bande, M.
(2013). Comments on: Model-free model-fitting and predictive distributions TEST Vol. 22, 2, pp. 224-226 |
41) Inácio, V.; González-Manteiga, W.; Febrero-Bande, M.; Gude-Sampedro, F.; Alonzo, T.A. and Cadarso Suárez, Carmen María
(2012). Extending induced ROC methodology to the functional context Biostatistics Vol. 13 (4), pp. 594-608 |
42) Febrero-Bande, M. and Oviedo, M
(2012). Statistical computing in functional data analysis: the R package fda.usc Journal of Statistical Software Vol. 51 (4) , pp. 1-28 |
43) Monsalve-Cobis, Abelardo E.; González-Manteiga, W. and Febrero-Bande, M.
(2011). Goodness-of-fit test for interest rate models: An approach based on empirical processes Computational Statistics & Data Analysis Vol. 55 (12), pp. 3073–3092 |
44) Matías, J.M.; Febrero-Bande, M.; González-Manteiga, W. and Reboredo, J.C.
(2010). Boosting GARCH and neural networks for the prediction of heteroskedastic time series Mathematical and Computer Modelling Vol. 51, pp. 256-271 |
45) Febrero-Bande, M.; Galeano, P. and González-Manteiga, W.
(2010). Measures of influence for the functional linear model with scalar response Journal of Multivariate Analysis Vol. 101, pp. 327-339 |
46) Muñoz Barús, JI; Rodríguez-Calvo, M.S.; Suárez-Peñaranda José M; Duarte N Vieira; Cadarso Suárez, Carmen María and Febrero-Bande, M.
(2010). PMICALC: An R code-based software for estimating postmortem interval (PMI) compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. Forensic Science International Vol. 194, 1, pp. 49-52 |
47) Cuesta-Albertos, JA and Febrero-Bande, M.
(2010). A simple multiway ANOVA for functional data TEST Vol. 19, pp. 537-557 |
48) Castellano Méndez, M.; Franco, A.; Cartelle, D.; Febrero-Bande, M. and Roca, E,
(2009). Identification of NOx and Ozone Episodes and Estimation of Ozone by Statistical Analysis Water, Air and Soil Pollution Vol. 198, pp. 95–110 |
49) Menezes, R.; García-Soidán, Pilar and Febrero-Bande, M.
(2008). A kernel variogram estimator for clustered data Scandinavian Journal of Statistics Vol. 35, 1, pp. 18-37 |
50) Febrero-Bande, M.; Galeano, P. and González-Manteiga, W.
(2008). Outlier detection in functional data by depth measures with application to identify abnormal NOx levels Environmetrics Vol. 19, 4, pp. 331-345 |
51) Barús, JI; Febrero-Bande, M. and Cadarso Suárez, Carmen María
(2008). Flexible regression models for estimating postmortem interval (PMI) in forensic medicine Statistics in Medicine Vol. 27, pp. 5026-5038 |
52) Matías, J.M.; Febrero-Bande, M.; González-Manteiga, W. and Reboredo, J.C.
(2008). Gradient Boosting GARCH and Neural Networks for Time Series Prediction In: Supervised and Unsupervised Ensemble Methods and Their Applications (pp. 153-164). Springer |
53) Febrero-Bande, M.
(2008). A present overview on functional data analysis Boletín de la SGAPEIO (Informest) Vol. 24, pp. 7-14 |
54) Febrero-Bande, M.; Galeano, P.; González-Díaz, J. and Pateiro-López, B.
(2008). Estadística. Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Sistemas . Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. ISBN: 13: 978-84-691-0974-8, DL: C-351-2008 |
55) Febrero-Bande, M.; Galeano, P.; González-Díaz, J. and Pateiro-López, B.
(2008). Prácticas de Estadística en R. Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Sistemas . Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. ISBN-13: 978-84-691-0975-1, DL: C-350-2008 |
56) Febrero-Bande, M.; Galeano, P. and González-Manteiga, W.
(2007). A functional analysis of NOx levels: location and scale estimation and outlier detection Computational Statistics Vol. 22, 3, pp. 411-427 |
57) Cuevas, A.; Febrero-Bande, M. and Fraiman, R.
(2007). Robust estimation and classification for functional data via projection-based depth notions Computational Statistics Vol. 22, 3, pp. 481-496 |
58) Cuevas, A.; Febrero-Bande, M. and Fraiman, R.
(2006). On the use of the bootstrap for estimating functions with functional data Computational Statistics & Data Analysis Vol. 51, nº 2, pp. 1063-1074 |
59) Menezes, R.; García-Soidán, Pilar and Febrero-Bande, M.
(2005). A comparison of approaches for valid variogram achievement Computational Statistics Vol. 20 4, pp. 623-642 |
60) García-Soidán, Pilar; Febrero-Bande, M. and González-Manteiga, W.
(2004). Nonparametric kernel estimation of an isotropic variogram Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference Vol. 121, pp. 65-92 |
61) Cuevas, A.; Febrero-Bande, M. and Fraiman, R.
(2004). An anova test for functional data Computational Statistics & Data Analysis Vol. 47, pp. 111-122 |
62) Roca Pardiñas, Javier; González-Manteiga, W.; Febrero-Bande, M.; Prada-Sánchez, J. M. and Cadarso Suárez, Carmen María
(2004). Predicting binary time series of SO2 using generalized additive models with unknown link function Environmetrics Vol. 15, pp. 729-742 |
63) Castellano Méndez, M.; González-Manteiga, W.; Febrero-Bande, M.; Prada-Sánchez, J. M. and Lozano Calderón, Román
(2004). Modelling of the monthly and daily behaviour of the runoff of the Xallas river using Box-Jenkins and neural networks methods Journal of Hydrology Vol. 296, pp. 38-58 |
64) Fernández de Castro, Belén M.; Prada-Sánchez, J. M.; Febrero-Bande, M.; Bermúdez Cela, José Luis; Hernández Hernández, J. J. and González-Manteiga, W.
(2003). Prediction of SO2 level using neural networks Journal of the air and waste management association Vol. 53, pp. 532-538 |
65) Fernández-Casal, R.; González-Manteiga, W. and Febrero-Bande, M.
(2003). Flexible spatio-temporal stationary variogram models Statistics and Computing Vol. 13, pp. 127-136 |
66) Fernández-Casal, R.; González-Manteiga, W. and Febrero-Bande, M.
(2003). Space-time dependency modeling using general classes of flexible stationary variogram models Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 108, pp. NO.D24, 8779. Amer Geophysical Union |
67) García-Soidán, Pilar; González-Manteiga, W. and Febrero-Bande, M.
(2003). Local linear regression estimation of the variogram Statistics & Probability Letters Vol. 64, pp. 169-179 |
68) Febrero-Bande, M.; Alonso Morales, Francisco Javier; Angulo Ibañez, José Miguel and González-Manteiga, W.
(2002). Semi-parametric statistical approaches for space-time process prediction. Some Applications In: Spatial Statistics Through Applications (pp. 127-146). Witpress |
69) Cuevas, A.; Febrero-Bande, M. and Fraiman, R.
(2002). Linear functional regression: The case of fixed design and functional response The Canadian Journal of Statistics Vol. 30, (2), pp. 285-300 |
70) Yebra Pimentel Vilar, Eva; Giráldez Fernández, María Jesus; Arias, F. L.; González, J.; González, J. M.; Parafita Mato, Manuel Ángel and Febrero-Bande, M.
(2001). Rigid gas permeable contact lens and corneal topography Ophthalmic And Physiological Optics Vol. 21, nº 3, pp. 236-242 |
71) Cuevas, A.; Febrero-Bande, M. and Fraiman, R.
(2001). Cluster analysis: a further approach based on density estimation Computational Statistics & Data Analysis Vol. 36-4, pp. 441-459 |
72) Prada-Sánchez, J. M.; Febrero-Bande, M.; Cotos-Yáñez, T.R.; Bermúdez Cela, José Luis and González-Manteiga, W.
(2000). Prediction of SO2 pollution incidents near a power station using partially linear models and an historical matrix of predictor-response vectors Environmetrics, pp. 209-225 |
73) Cuevas, A.; Febrero-Bande, M. and Fraiman, R.
(2000). Estimating the number of clusters The Canadian Journal of Statistics Vol. 28, (2), pp. 367-382 |
74) Lado-Abeal, J; Prieto, D.; Lorenzo Solar, Mónica; Lojo, Santiago; Febrero-Bande, M.; Camarero Gonzalez, Emma Paz and Cabezas-Cerrato, J.
(1999). Differences between men and women as regards the effects of protein-energy malnutrition on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis Nutrition Vol. 15, nº 5, pp. 351-358. Elsevier Science Inc |
75) Angulo Ibañez, José Miguel; Febrero-Bande, M.; Alonso Morales, Francisco Javier and González-Manteiga, W.
(1998). Semi-parametric statistical approaches for space-time process prediction Environmental and Ecological Statistics Vol. 5, pp. 297-316 |
76) García-Soidán, Pilar and Febrero-Bande, M.
(1998). Comment on "The Kriged Kalman Filter" TEST Vol. 7, (2), pp. 264-266 |
77) Cao, R.; Febrero-Bande, M.; Prada-Sánchez, J. M.; García-Jurado, I. and González-Manteiga, W.
(1997). Saving computer time in constructing consistent bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressive processes Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation Vol. 26, 3, pp. 961-978 |
78) Prada-Sánchez, J. M. and Febrero-Bande, M.
(1997). 3.0.CO;2-K target='_blank'>Parametric, Nonparametric and mixed approaches to prediction of sparsely distributed pollution incidents: A case study Journal of Chemometrics Vol. 11, nº 1, pp. 13-32 |
79) Lado-Abeal, J; Liz, JL; Rey, C.; Febrero-Bande, M. and Cabezas-Cerrato, J.
(1996). Effects of valproate-induced alteration of the GABAergic system on pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion in ovariectomized women European Journal of Endrocrinology Vol. 135, pp. 293-298. Bioscientifica Ltd |
80) García-Jurado, I.; Cao, R.; Febrero-Bande, M.; Prada-Sánchez, J. M. and González-Manteiga, W.
(1995). Prediction using Box-Jenkins, nonparametric and bootstrap techniques Technometrics Vol. 37, 3, pp. 303-310 |
81) Cao, R.; Febrero-Bande, M.; García-Jurado, I.; González-Manteiga, W. and Prada-Sánchez, J. M.
(1994). Un estudio de simulación comparativo de técnicas no paramétricas, semiparamétricas y Box-Jenkins para la predicción con datos dependientes Estadística Española Vol. 36, 135, pp. 5-20 |
82) González-Manteiga, W.; García-Jurado, I.; Cao, R.; Febrero-Bande, M.; Prada-Sánchez, J. M. and Lucas Domínguez, Tomás
(1993). Time Series Analysis for ambient concentrations Atmospheric Environment Vol. 27A, 2, pp. 153-158. Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd |
83) Cao, R.; González-Manteiga, W.; Prada-Sánchez, J. M.; García-Jurado, I. and Febrero-Bande, M.
(1992). Forecasting using a semiparametric model In: Computational Statistics (pp. 327-330). Springer Heidelberg |